Several Ideas For Using Buttons

Several Ideas For Using Buttons
Several Ideas For Using Buttons

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Needlewomen often accumulate a huge variety of buttons. What can you do with them? It turns out that there are many ways to use buttons to create unusual and creative accessories. Here is some of them.

Several ideas for using buttons
Several ideas for using buttons


Step 1

If you have accumulated many buttons of different colors, then you can create an original belt out of them. Such a belt will decorate both jeans and a plain tunic. For a thin belt, string the buttons with a thick thread. At the end, make a loop for the fastener. If you want to make a wide belt, then sew the buttons with a wide elastic band.


Step 2

Bright buttons will make unusual earrings. Attach tie rings to each button. Then connect them together and attach the earring hook. To make stud earrings, you need to glue jewelry studs to the buttons.


Step 3

You can decorate hair accessories with buttons: elastic bands, hairpins, headband. If the buttons are strung on a thin elastic band, you get an unusual hair hoop.


Step 4

To make a necklace out of buttons, string them onto a wire and attach a clasp to the ends. Or sew the buttons onto the ribbon and use the ends as ties. Another option for a necklace: attach a connecting ring to each button, and then attach them to the chain.


Step 5

Buttons can also decorate shoes: moccasins, slippers, sandals. Sew the buttons onto the top of your shoes or glue them over the heels.


Step 6

Bags with buttons sewn on them turn out to be original and unusual.


Step 7

If you paste over a frame for photos with beautiful buttons, you will get a very cute gift for a girlfriend.
