Alcoholism is a disease that requires medical and psychological treatment. However, not all sick people are in a hurry to get an appointment with a narcologist. Many of them first decide to resort to conspiracies. The patient himself or one of his relatives can read verbal spells.

Conspiracies that can be done at any time
To begin with, you can use the simplest conspiracies. To do them, you do not need to wait for a special day for the ritual to be performed. One of the simplest options is a conspiracy on iron. To do this, find a small piece of iron. Any iron item can be used. The main thing is that it should be rectangular or elongated. Turn on the gas, put a bowl of water next to it. Heat the iron attribute to red, and then immerse in cold water. During the performance of such a ceremony, one must say the phrase "as iron cools in water, so let my relative cool down to drunkenness." This ritual must be performed three times.
Please note that men should speak on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is better to treat women with conspiracies on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
You can also talk about a homemade broth. To do this, you will need dry wormwood, peppercorns, salt, citric acid, alum and sugar. First, pour some water into a small saucepan to cover the bottom. Bring the liquid to a boil, and then add a pinch of salt with the words "as the salt becomes saltier, so let the vodka become worse." Add the wormwood, citric acid, alum and pepper with the next ingredients. Add sugar last. It should be poured in with the words "how sweet is sugar, may my words be also sweet." Speak each stage, comparing the ingredients with vodka. Strain the resulting broth and mix in the alcoholic in the morning for a week.
Fish conspiracy
The live fish conspiracy is considered one of the most effective. If you do not have the opportunity to catch fish in the river, you can purchase it in the store. Please note - it must be absolutely alive. Take the fish carefully and pour a small amount of wine into it. The liquid must definitely get into the mouth. At the same time, say "as this fish suffocates from wine, so let my relative suffocate at the sight of wine." The phrase must be repeated three times and each time add "key - lock-amen". After the ritual is completed, all the attributes must be buried in a deserted place. According to an old legend, this ritual is recommended to be done at the cemetery.
In no case should any conspiracies be read during church holidays. You need to pronounce the words only in a whisper.
Water conspiracy
A conspiracy from alcoholism to holy water is another effective remedy. Pour water into a glass. Bring it to your lips and whisper "as the water gets inside, so the addiction will go away." Mix the liquid in small amounts into the alcoholic's food and drinks. This procedure should be carried out as often as possible. When a person will consume alcoholic beverages in smaller quantities, do not stop pouring the said water into his drink and food. Holy water can be replaced with regular water.
The church does not approve of conspiracies, love spells and all types of magic. The most reasonable way to cure alcoholism is to seek help from specialists.
When uttering conspiracies, one must believe in them. However, helping someone close to you can sacrifice your own happiness. Magic is considered a sin, therefore, first of all, it is better to try to talk to a person and persuade him to use traditional methods of medicine. The modern methods of narcologists differ significantly from the methods of curing alcoholism of the past. It is much easier to deal with alcohol addiction now. Moreover, only a specialist can determine the degree of development of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In addition, the alcoholic must himself want to get rid of his addiction. This is the main ingredient for successful treatment.