Zodiac Sign - Cancer

Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Zodiac Sign - Cancer

The moon is the patroness of those born under the Cancer zodiac sign. They are dreamy romantics who turn into calculating pragmatists in moments. Their distinguishing feature is their frequent mood swings. People of this sign are characterized by deep decency, but the motives of Cancers are not always clear to those around them. Because of this, misunderstandings can arise in communicating with friends and family.

People born under the Cancer zodiac sign are very vulnerable
People born under the Cancer zodiac sign are very vulnerable

For a child born under the "watchful eye" of the Moon, it is very important that there are no quarrels, scandals and a showdown in the house. He is vulnerable, and the traces left by problems in the house can linger in the memory forever. For a baby of the zodiac sign Cancer, a complete family and love of both parents are important. Questions like "who do you love more - mom or dad" can drive you into a dead end. Cancer children give little trouble with behavior, but they get sick quite often, and this is where parents will have a hard time.

Students of this zodiac sign do better in those disciplines taught by their favorite teachers. Lack of psychological contact with a teacher can forever alienate Cancer from the subject - for example, literature or geography, which this teacher leads. The Cancer teen has many friends. Peers are drawn to him, because the Moon endows her wards with a rare ability for empathy - the ability to rejoice or worry not only about the events of her life, but also “for company” with someone.

Adult Cancers are fairly persistent. Having once chosen a profession, they slowly, but persistently climb the career ladder. Having given their heart, they will be attached to their loved ones for a long time, even if they do not reciprocate. The moon gives the Cancer zodiac sign a quivering, large, forgiving heart, but there are negative aspects in the horoscope - on the way of a person born under this sign, there will be many people who want to take advantage of the situation.
