How To Make A Slime Without Tetraborate

How To Make A Slime Without Tetraborate
How To Make A Slime Without Tetraborate

You can independently create such a toy for yourself and your children with improvised means, which are probably lying around at home. Most recipes involve the use of chemistry, but not everyone decides to visit a chemical store, how to make a slime without tetraborate?

How to make a homemade slime
How to make a homemade slime

Starch slime recipe

You can replace Borax powder or tetradborate with some other product. For example, starch. If your child is still very young, then making a slime out of chemicals is generally dangerous. If your baby licks a starch toy, it doesn't matter.

You will need:

  • starch, diluted in water 2 to 1;
  • 60 ml PVA glue;
  • dye, you can buy it in a store marked "food", or make it yourself - gouache, brilliant green, onion peel - all this will do;
  • essential oil, if you wish, you can endow the toy with a pleasant smell;
  • plastic bag with a fastener.


Starch, which is already dissolved in the right proportion with water, you pour into a bag.

Add 60 ml of PVA glue there.

Now it's the turn for the dye and essential oil - a couple of drops are enough for the smell.

Now you need to carefully knead the contents of the package with your hands. This stage takes 5-10 minutes.

After that, take out the slime with gloves and blot it with a cotton towel or napkin - this is necessary so that excess moisture is absorbed.

Your slime is ready! It is advisable to store it in a bag or plastic container, so you will extend its service life, because dirt and dust will not stick to it all the time.

Soda slime recipe

If you didn't have starch at home, then it doesn't matter. How to make a slime from soda?

I would like to note that such a toy dries up quickly. Therefore, it will delight you only for the first few days.

You will need:

  • 1 spoon of baking soda;
  • half a glass of water;
  • PVA glue 60 ml;
  • Color and essential oil optional


So, the best way to knead the slime is in an unnecessary plastic container. Pour glue and water there. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula or with your hands, but it is best to protect them first with gloves, otherwise you will not wash them off.

Now add the dye and a few drops of any essential oil, stir.

Soda must be diluted in 50 ml of water and added to the total mass. One moment - you need to pour it in slowly, constantly stirring the future slime.

Everything is now ready. If something did not work out for you, then perhaps you took spoiled PVA glue, cold water, or the indicated proportions were violated.

Now you know how to make a homemade slime, enjoy the result!
