The flute belongs to woodwind instruments and has a very long history, thanks to which the number of forms, ranges, timbres and materials is almost limitless: flutes are made of bamboo, wood, plastic, silver, transverse and longitudinal, orchestral, block flutes, shakuhachi, bonsuri other. When choosing an instrument, it is important to first decide on the style of music you will play, the range and timbre.

Step 1
One of the easiest flutes to learn is the block flute. Its timbre is transparent, rustic, with a range of about two octaves. Depending on the variety, extreme notes can be higher or lower (for example, for a soprano, up to the second - D fourth). The music played on it is very simple, usually light classics.
Step 2
More difficult to perform is an ordinary orchestral flute with a range from the first to the fourth, where the air consumption increases, many notes are taken by blowing, and some sounds are impossible with a certain dynamics (in the first octave - forte, in the third - piano). The most common repertoire of such a flute is classical music, but there are also elements of modern styles (rock, jazz).
Step 3
The piccolo flute plays an octave higher than the usual one and has a more dull sound, and the octave overtone is quite loud in it, therefore, as a rule, its part is duplicated with an ordinary flute. Solo parts are rarely entrusted to her, one of the earliest is Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.
Step 4
Reed flutes have a "hollow" sound, poor in overtones. This characteristic gives the timbre a transparency, a sense of low sounding.
Step 5
The range of a flute can be determined by the length and diameter of the tube: the larger the instrument, the lower the sound and the greater the air flow.