The pipe is a collective name for related wind instruments, similar to a block flute. The pipes come in different lengths, and they may have different hole locations. However, the techniques of playing such instruments are the same for different nations. The principle is based on the oscillation of an air column, the length of which changes depending on the position of the fingers.

It is necessary
- - pipe;
- - determinant of fingering for block flute;
- - virtual keyboard;
- - tuning fork.
Step 1
See how many holes your pipe has and where they are located. The position of the fingers during the game depends on this. If there is a hole on the underside of the instrument, it must be pinched with the thumb of your left hand. In the absence of such a hole, this finger simply props the pipe from below. In any case, the left hand is closer to the lips. The index finger of the left hand clamps the hole closest to the lips, the middle one - the next, etc. The little finger is not involved in the process. If there are more than four holes, then the fifth one covers the index finger of the right hand. Some pipes have a row of holes on the side. But in any case, the left hand is closer to the lips, that is, above the right.
Step 2
Learn to take your breath and breathe out correctly. Take short, deep breaths, as if singing. The air is exhaled slowly and evenly. Practice breathing without an instrument before trying to make the first sound. Blow into the instrument mouthpiece without pinching the holes. Do not despair if you immediately get wheezing and whistling. This means that you have not found the correct position of the pipe in relation to the lips. Change it until you hear a clear zing.
Step 3
Once you get the hang of the opening sound, try covering different holes with your fingers one at a time. Achieve a smooth, continuous sound every time. It should not break down, go into wheezing and whistling. If you need to take a shorter sound, do not interrupt your breath, but cover the mouthpiece opening with your tongue. If you quickly open and close this hole with your tongue, you get a tremolo. You can also use this technique.
Step 4
In order to learn how to select melodies, you need to know the structure of the scale. If you have a piano and a synthesizer at hand, press the white and black keys of the first octave in turn (it is in the middle, with a piano usually the lock is opposite the D of the first octave). The spacing between adjacent keys, regardless of whether they are white or black, is exactly half a tone. Try to find the same spacing on the pipe. You can use the Soprano Recorder Fingering Guide as a reference. Even if the location of the holes on your pipe is different, you will be able to understand the principle by which a tone or semitone is played.
Step 5
It is very helpful to understand the structure of the major and minor scales. The most convenient way to do this is using the C major scale as an example, since it is all played on white keys. There is a distance of 1 tone between do and re, as well as between re and mi. There are no black keys between E and F, so there is only half a tone between them. In a group with three black keys, the sequence is as follows: tone, tone, tone, semitone. All major scales are built according to this scheme. Learn to distinguish between tone and semitone by ear, and try playing a scale in a consistent interval. Determine on what principle the natural minor is built, and do the same. The most convenient key for analysis is the key of A minor.