There are a huge number of different variants of dream books in the world, thanks to which you can find out what the bull you saw in a dream means.

Why can you see a bull in a dream
The female horoscope says that a well-fed big bull dreams of a good deal and promises you a good material profit. A large number of bulls (herd) is a rise in the eyes of society and good achievements in life. Bull chasing can mean competition. A white bull means an early addition to the family, and an ordinary bull, dreamed of by a young girl, means an offer to get married.
But in the Italian dream book, a bull means a big negative, mainly maternal, as well as aggression.
In an erotic dream book, the interpretation of this image suggests that in the near future there will be misunderstandings with your soul mate in your life, jealous rivals will become their cause. If a young girl meets a bull in a dream, in reality she will receive an offer to marry, such a statement should be rejected without any delay, because this marriage will become very unhappy for the lady.
A bull's attack on anyone promises big trouble in his personal life, usually they come from frivolity and similar qualities.
Tsvetkov's dream book says that the bull seen in a dream may indicate that there will be some kind of tragedy, sadness in your life, but the pursuing bull means inheritance. A bull or a white buffalo will bring a good income, and raised horns dream of great great glory.
A few more interpretations of the bull dream
In the 21st century dream book, a bull in a pasture portends profit, and seeing him in a stall means happiness and well-being in the family, mooing is a danger, and an attack is mutual love. The bull is chasing in a dream - in reality there will be rivalry, and the chances of winning are minimal.
A dream involving a bull most often portends great wealth and good luck in life. And if in a dream you saw a black bull with large horns, most likely it lets you know about the terrible intentions of ill-wishers.
There is also a modern dream book in which a dream involving a bull portends danger. In Azar's Dream Book, a dream where a bull is present, in reality, portends great fear.
Dream Interpretation Hasse says that if a person saw a bull in a dream, in reality he should be very careful. And if suddenly in a dream a bull attacked you, in life you will have a great strong love. To kill a bull in a dream means to avoid a huge danger, and to kill a bull means to show great patience in something.
In the Assyrian dream book, the situation is different. If a bull is present in a dream, or a person turns into a bull, perhaps in real life the family hearth will flourish, and the person himself will be able to receive everything that the gods on earth are allowed to have.
In the wanderer's dream book, a bull in a dream can portend both success and aggression, as well as a significant surge of strength and will to a person.