Are you a creative person and in your free time you want to do something with your own hands, but do not know where to start? Start with something simple, such as sculpting plasticine figures. Remember that everyone begins to do this in childhood, in kindergarten or at home under the supervision of adults. Therefore, you probably still have certain skills. Plasticine can also be used for technical crafts, but it is better to start with figurines of birds, animals or people. Take the "bull by the horns" and start with the figure of this very bull.

Step 1
Get ready for the sculpting process. Do this best on a substrate (a plate made of wood, plastic or plexiglass), and protect the table from undesirable consequences - cover it with oilcloth or thick paper, as you are unlikely to be able to clean the furniture from plasticine, which contains fatty acids. Provide adequate lighting for your work area.
Step 2
Start playing your skills by sculpting basic elements. For example, make a ball out of any piece of plasticine. To do this, knead it well in your hands and roll the ball between your palms using circular motions.
Step 3
In order to make a roller, again knead a piece of plasticine and roll it with forward and backward movements of your palms.
Step 4
A more complex figure - a cone, can be made from a ball. To do this, roll the ball you made into a roller, pressing it between your palms on one side more than on the other.
Step 5
You can also make a cake from a ball if you put the ball on a plate, cover with another plate on top and gently press down.
Step 6
To choose the desired color, you can mix the plasticine - in this case, both multi-colored and monochromatic pieces are obtained. To mix plasticine, take pieces of the desired color, roll a sausage out of them, bend it in half and roll it back into one sausage, and so on until you get the desired result.
Step 7
Having mastered such a relatively "primitive" sculpting technique, proceed to plasticine figures. First, imagine a bull figurine, make a sketch for work, or use a ready-made drawing, photograph.
Step 8
The process of sculpting a bull figurine after the listed exercises is not particularly difficult. Blind the body, legs and head of the bull separately, then connect the molded parts using a special wooden or plastic stack.
Step 9
Let's talk a little about head shaping. Roll a ball out of plasticine, then use the thin end of the stack (you can use the head of a match) to form the recesses for the eye sockets and use a sharp tool (needle, awl or toothpick) to attach a piece of plasticine no more than 4 mm long just below the eye sockets. Then make the pupils of the eyes from white and black plasticine, install them with a sharp tool into the eye sockets and press them in stacks. Apply the same technique to your ears. Form the rest of the bull's face and finish off the head by smoothing all seams with a stack or a pointed match. Don't forget the tail.