What Dreams Portend Good Luck

What Dreams Portend Good Luck
What Dreams Portend Good Luck

Dreams are often very symbolic. Gaining something in a dream can portend good, but loss - on the contrary. Little things and circumstances of a dream can directly or symbolically indicate what is happening or the future course of events. If you do not miss the little things, then you can notice those that portend good luck and prosperity.

What dreams portend good luck
What dreams portend good luck


Finding in a dream in most cases is a good sign, often denoting the fulfillment of desires.

Finding a bag of money in a dream is a clear success and enrichment in the near future, and it will be a win or simply fortunate circumstances. If the bag is empty but beautiful, then you have to work hard and you will be happy with the result. A full bag of trash promises well-being in the near future.

Finding money in a dream for prosperity in business. Most likely, there will be some unexpected advantageous offer that will bring a good profit. Or there is already an offer, you just need to decide to use it, and the result will not be long in coming. Especially if you find big money or change small for big.

A bunch of keys found in a dream symbolizes the opening of any doors. More often than not, this is a good sign. Doors will open to new opportunities or new knowledge. Also, a bunch of keys can mean a place of honor, career advancement. Problems that have not been solved before will be solved, and a key will be found for them.

Announcing your discovery to everyone in a dream is one of the symbols of hidden luck. This usually portends the receipt of some important, valuable information necessary for the successful conduct of business.

Symbols of nature

Beautiful wildlife in a dream symbolizes enlightenment and renewal. Man was created by nature, and to see her in a dream means to be fed by her energy and her forces.

Walking in a dream in beautiful gardens means that the circumstances around have already developed as needed, and soon everything will change for the better, especially if the gardens are blooming or with fruits and berries.

Bright and fresh flowers in a dream, a wild meadow or a well-groomed flower bed foreshadow many pleasant meetings. Interesting, emotional events, pleasures and acquisitions are possible.

Pure clear spring water has always carried positive energy. She is associated with cleansing, rejuvenation, primordiality.

It is not for nothing that in many dream books the symbol of pure water in a dream is a good sign, and even if a person sees that he is bathing in a spring, he will certainly have good luck in business. Any vessel with clean water portends wealth and prosperity in the near future.

Other symbols

Many other little things seen in a dream can also portend good luck.

A pile of garbage or manure in a dream is always a harbinger of easy money, and fresh bread or chocolate promises a solution to everyday problems.

Cranes landing on the ground are one of the symbols of good luck, great luck. For a man, seeing his wife's pregnancy in a dream may mean enrichment in the near future.
