How To Earn Game Currency In Tanks

How To Earn Game Currency In Tanks
How To Earn Game Currency In Tanks

In 2010, the Belarusian company Wargaming released the release of the game World of Tanks, which immediately gained high popularity among gamers of all countries. More than a million players from all over the world visit the game every day. Having got into the game for the first time, a person thinks about how to make money to buy a new tank?

How to earn game currency in tanks
How to earn game currency in tanks

There are 2 currencies in the game - this is gold, or as gamers call it gold, and silver.

How to earn silver in World of Tanks

Silver coins can be earned in several ways. It is necessary to analyze during the game which tanks are the most profitable. Most often these are combat vehicles of 5 and 6 levels. These include premium tanks bought for real money. Such machines, even if they lose, bring a little silver. If you need fast pumping, then it is best to buy several tanks of level 5 or 6. An important factor in the game is how you fought. The more damage is done to the enemy, the more game silver is given for it.

Silver can be purchased for real money. To do this, in any payment terminal, simply enter your login in the world of tanks and the amount of payment. To pay via SMS, on the official website in the "buy currency" section, select the required amount of money. In the menu that opens, enter the phone number and wait for an answer. You need to reply to the received message. Then payment will be made.

Buying a premium account increases the silver earned in battle by 50%. Some players, who do not have the patience to earn money on their own, resort to hacking the game using cheats downloaded from the Internet. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for the rest, this method is banned and severely punished by the administration of the resource.

How to get gold, or gold, in tanks

Getting gold in World of Tanks is quite difficult. After all, it has many advantages over the silver currency. With the help of gold in tanks, you can buy a premium account or tanks, which will bring more earnings and experience. There are several ways to get gold coins:

- Put real money into the account in the game. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for everyone. After all, in-game gold is quite expensive.

- Gold can be earned by capturing provinces on the global map. This method also has its limitations; a beginner cannot do it.

- Participation in various competitions held by the administration of the game World of Tanks. You can see which contests are taking place right now on the official website of the game. For the first place taken, the winners receive not only game gold, but also pleasant gifts from the company.

- There are services that make it possible for players to earn currency. These services include COINSUP or WASD. They are designed to earn game currency that can be instantly transferred to the game.