Counter-Strike is the most popular online shooter in the world. It is played by adults and children all over the planet. The confrontation between terrorists and special forces has been going on for many years. Of course, this game is full of beginners who want to learn how to shoot accurately, walk quietly, “camp” competently. Practice is the most important thing in the game, but there are several aspects that new players should be aware of.

Step 1
Learn to shoot accurately. This is only given with practice. Every self-respecting player is simply obliged to be able to shoot accurately. Shooting skill is also important, but first of all you need to master the shooting itself. To do this, start playing the game with the computer. Having created several "bots" start practicing shots. Try to aim always at the head. Firstly, it almost instantly kills the enemy, and secondly, your aiming skill will grow faster. Start with the lightest bots. Gradually transition to experts.
Step 2
Buy good weapons. A lot of newbies, as soon as they see the variety of rifles in the COP, start buying everything. But, as a rule, only professionals know how to handle it, and they do not take any "trash". If you play as terrorists, then always buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle. This is done using a combination of buttons B, 4, 2. Buy cartridges for it using the " button or the Russian "u". When playing for special forces, choose the M-16 rifle (B, 4, 3) and the Colt.
Step 3
Walk as quietly as possible. To do this, hold down the “Shift” key. Try to go with one or two players, do not poke your head into the crowd. Also, never go first into questionable and narrow places. Many professional players wait until all newcomers die in such places, thereby checking for the presence of an opponent.
Step 4
Buy additional equipment. This includes armor and grenades. For special forces it is also important to buy a "sapper set". There are three types of grenades: fragmentation, blinding (flash grenade), smoke. Try to use them wisely. For example, before leaving the corner, throw a "flash grenade" there. The likely enemy will go blind and you can easily kill him. It is wiser to throw a fragmentation grenade in those places where there is definitely an enemy. A very good combination: a shot at the enemy and then throw a grenade.
Step 5
Fulfill the goal of the team. For terrorists, this is planting a bomb and holding hostages. You can plant a bomb using the "E" button and the presence of the explosive itself. Spetsnaz must clear the bomb (similar to the installation for terrorists) or free the hostages.