A cotton-gauze bandage is an elementary means of protecting the respiratory system. For example, it is able to protect your body from harmful particles of burning or pathogenic microbes entering it. Also, if you are sick, a mask will help you avoid infecting others.

It is necessary
- You will need:
- - cotton wool;
- - gauze;
- - scissors;
- - bandage;
- - thread;
- - a needle.
Step 1
It quite often happens that during an epidemic or forest fires, there are no protective dressings in pharmacies. To protect yourself in this situation, you can sew a cotton gauze bandage yourself. To do this, take a piece of gauze measuring 90x60cm, lay it out on the table. Place cotton wool in the center of the gauze - a rectangle of about 15x20cm (the size of the bandage should be enough to completely cover the nose and mouth). The layer of cotton wool should not be thick, 1-2 cm is quite enough, since a larger amount of cotton wool will make breathing difficult. Now start wrapping the cotton wool in cheesecloth, bending it up and down along the entire width. You will have a bandage of 1 word of cotton wool and 4 layers of gauze. Cut the remaining ends of the gauze in half to make 4 ties. If you have time and desire, you can manually sew the bandage.
Step 2
It is necessary to put on such a bandage as follows: the cotton-gauze part completely covers the respiratory organs - the nose and mouth, 2 strings pass over the ears and are tied at the back of the head, and two more - under the ears and are also tied at the back of the head. You can wear a cotton-gauze bandage for no longer than 3 hours, after which you can simply throw it away. Do not wash and re-wear the cotton-gauze bandage.
Step 3
If you don't have gauze on hand, you can also make a bandage from a bandage. Take a bandage 14cm wide, unfold it and measure the size you need (according to the size of your head). Fold the bandage in four layers. Make the strings: cut about 60cm of the bandage, cut it in half lengthwise. Roll the resulting strips of bandage into tubes and thread the ties into the main part of the bandage on the sides. The bandage falls off easily, so if possible, sew the bandage by hand, making at least a few large stitches.
Step 4
You can wear such a mask for 2-3 hours, but then it can be washed and ironed with a hot iron, and then used again.