Each parent is very pleased to do something for their baby with their own hands. You can first sew a blanket for the crumbs so that he does not freeze while sleeping. The beauty of such a thing is that it is made by loving parental hands. Only you know what is comfortable for your child. Again, it is possible to choose the sizes and materials used in sewing yourself. It is also important that the thing will already be designer, with its own individual flavor.

It is necessary
For a baby blanket measuring 110x140cm: synthetic winterizer, (with a thickness of 15 mm, a cut measuring 110x140 cm or 220x140 cm - use double fold); coarse calico (with a width of 150 cm, a cut measuring 230 cm); threads to match; tape measure; fabric marker; scissors
Step 1
Before starting work, wash, dry and iron the fabric (calico, linen, chintz or other natural fabric). This is done to avoid shrinkage of the fabric in the finished garment.
Step 2
On the prepared fabric, taking into account the seam allowances, lay out the synthetic winterizer and sew on the hands along the perimeter with long stitches.
Step 3
Fold the fabric in half with the right side inward (there is a hand-sewn synthetic winterizer left on one side). Using the sewing machine, sew from the fold along the edge, taking into account the seam allowances. When making a line, you need to capture 0, 3–0, 5 cm of padding polyester. When sewing on the last side, leave a 15–20 cm window unstitched to turn the blanket over to the right side.
Step 4
Connect the unstitched section after turning it out, taking into account the bends to the inside of the seam allowances and make a line “to the edge” on the sewing machine. This will close the “filling” of the blanket in a circle.
Step 5
Change the sewing machine foot to a dedicated one for quilting fabrics. In the absence of such a foot and to prevent "sliding" of the upper and lower layers of the fabric, the blanket must first be quilted (made a basting) by hand.
Step 6
For symmetrical and curly quilt quilting, use a special fabric marker to make the markings.
Step 7
Make machine stitches according to the finished markings.