How Cats Feel Death

How Cats Feel Death
How Cats Feel Death

It is believed about cats that they are closely associated with mysticism, with unknown forces. For cats, fame has been fixed as for animals that can predict many events in the life of the owners.

How cats feel death
How cats feel death

Cats are credited with the ability to know in advance about troubles that will occur in the family. So, for example, only the lazy didn’t say that cats anticipate the death of their owners. As evidence of this, they cite not quite the usual behavior of the cat, which changes for no apparent reason.

For example, a cat that begins to sniff the air exhaled by a person - this behavior is considered to be news of the onset of the disease. If a cat does not want to lie next to a sick person, he, most likely, will not get to his feet. And even people who do not believe in omens note that the cat really does not behave quite usually in the room where the dying person is.

Cats have a very developed instinct - where people doubt their feelings and cannot determine whether it is a premonition or suspiciousness, for a cat there is no doubt. People who trust omens sometimes try to give an explanation for such a phenomenon as a cat's presentiment of the imminent death of a person. There is also an opinion that cats, accustomed to surviving mainly due to intuition, animal instinct, perceive the owner on a different level, feel his energy.

Probably, it is much easier to feel the person with whom they live than the rest - which is why cats very rarely make mistakes. In the heads of animals, rational thinking is far from the first place, and they perceive reality in a completely different way from people. They both "see" and know and understand, but the trouble is they cannot say anything, therefore they express information in the only way available to them - by actions, behavior.

Sometimes in villages a cat is even called "the ambassador of death", explaining that the death of a person occurs after certain actions of the animal: "the cat lies on the table, sweeps its tail - sweeps the owner out of the house." But this is hardly so - if you still believe in signs, cats do not attract death, but only have a presentiment.
