According to astrologers, 2014 will be a career year for the representatives of the Capricorn zodiac. Many Capricorns will easily find a new job for themselves, but the prospect of further growth will depress them. Others, on the other hand, will experience apathy and depression at the beginning of the year before their professional hypostasis stabilizes. For a more detailed forecast, you need to take a look at the monthly horoscope for Capricorn.

Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn
Astrologers say that throughout January and February 2014, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac will be preoccupied with finding a new job. This will also affect those Capricorns who already have a permanent place of work (it may not suit them for any reason). In January of this year, some Capricorns will have to go through apathy associated with the disorder in life and, of course, with the lack of a stable income. If you do not take up your mind in time, then apathy can develop into depression, accompanied by certain disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.
Plunging headlong into career concerns and affairs, Capricorns may not notice how their body will weaken: chronic gastritis, lack of sleep, stress can lead to mental exhaustion, stomach problems, and lack of appetite.
This problem will stabilize a little in March-April this year: the representatives of the Capricorn zodiac will come out of depression and begin to experience a new urge to find themselves in the professional field. Astrologers reassure that most Capricorns have every chance of finding a decent job in mid-April. In addition, creative individuals, taking advantage of the support of Venus, which will have a significant impact on them, will be able to discover and even realize their creative potential. It will not go unnoticed.
Relationships at work will start to develop pretty quickly. Already in early May, many Capricorns will become informal leaders in a professional team. They will be asked for help, for advice. All this will not go unnoticed by the management. It is curious, but already at the beginning of June, leaders can offer Capricorns the most promising place (perhaps they will entrust the management of a small team).
In the summer period (June-July), Capricorns' mood will be set by this or that development of their professionalism. Few of the representatives of this zodiac will have the opportunity to travel in the summer. Most of them will not be up to it: work and more work! In August, some Capricorns will receive their first real reward! The fact is that Saturn, having a beneficial effect on the financial sphere of this zodiac, will open a new breath in Capricorn.
Autumn for Capricorns is a rather provocative time. Provocations can affect both love and professional spheres. If you succumb to provocations from envious people or leadership, you can aggravate your situation. The stars advise Capricorns to be patient and endure these adversities with dignity
The fall period of 2014 can play a cruel joke with Capricorns at work. They need to be careful when communicating with their peers and management. You should not trust your own plans and work results to third parties.
In November, some representatives of the constellation Capricorn may doubt the sincerity of the feelings of their soulmates. The fact is that in mid-November, some information may emerge that compromises those whom Capricorns love. You should not take this information too seriously, because it may turn out that the beloved did not betray them, and the slander was carried out in order to provoke Capricorns. December may turn out to be the quietest month of the whole 2014. Capricorns will be able to admit many of their mistakes they have made during the year, as well as make peace with their halves. This will allow them to meet the upcoming 2015 in an excellent mood!
Love horoscope for Capricorn
The May holidays will evoke new love feelings in Capricorns. From here their love adventure will begin. It is curious that they can appear in both single and family representatives of this zodiac sign. In May, increased love activity will be shown not so much by Capricorns as by their admirers (second halves). It is worth noting that people born under the constellation of Capricorn usually relate to the feelings of other people with a certain coldness and distrust. That is why some of the Capricorns will not throw themselves headlong into the abyss of passion.