Today, having watched the fights of famous boxers for the championship belt on television, boys from an early age want to be like these strong and agile athletes. And, of course, they turn to their parents with a request to buy a punching bag or try to sew it themselves.

It is necessary
Material (dermantine or leather), fabric (nylon or tarpaulin), sand (you can replace sand with peas or sawdust), polyethylene (preferably dense), a large needle, thick threads, scissors, rope, fasteners (to hang the pear from the ceiling)
Step 1
In order to make a punching bag correctly, you must first understand how it works: two covers (external, internal), "filling" of peas, river sand or sawdust, wrapped in dense polyethylene.
Step 2
First of all, you need to cut and sew two covers of the desired shape (cylinder, ellipse). The material for both covers must be selected dense and durable. For the first, external, both skin and dermantin can be suitable. And for the second, internal, - tarpaulin or nylon.
Step 3
Then take the pre-prepared filling for the pear. For the insides of a pear, peas, sawdust or sand are suitable. Put all this mass in a large bag and wrap it tightly with thick plastic. The whole cooked mass, wrapped in polyethylene, is immersed in a cover that you have already sewn from nylon or tarpaulin.
Step 4
Then you need to sew on the loops on which you will hang your pear. They are sewn to the canvas bag into which the mass has been immersed. Then all this is immersed in a second pre-stitched cover made of dermantin or leather. And finally, sew or wind the first and second bags together.