Can moles determine fate and indicate some character traits? In general, such a theory exists, but to believe it or not is up to you. What can moles tell about?..
On the cheek
The owner of a mole on her cheek is written to be very charming and dizzy for men (remember Marilyn Monroe). This is especially true for women who have a mole on the right side - you will definitely not be bored with them. Men with such a mole are often happily married and generally successful in life. If the mole is on the left and close to the ear, then this may indicate the breadth of the soul of its owner.
On the lips
Moles located next to the lips can be interpreted depending on where they are located. For example, a mole above the upper lip, like that of Cindy Crawford, indicates that coquetry is not alien to you, under the lower one, on the contrary, it speaks of restraint in the expression of feelings. A mole on the right - its owner is waiting first of all for love and care, on the left - such a woman is spontaneous and carefree. Men with a mole above the lip are usually "ladies' man" who are popular with the opposite sex.

On the chin
The meaning of a mole in this case depends on the gender of its owner. For women, a mole on the chin testifies to a good disposition and generosity - this is the ideal keeper of the hearth. In men, such a mole indicates a domineering and hardworking nature, its owner often achieves great success in life and stable material wealth.
On the forehead
The closer the mole is to the hairline, the more pronounced the leadership qualities of its owner, especially if the mole is large or there are several of them. Such people often enjoy authority in the team and have a tendency to patronage. A mole in the center of the forehead may indicate hot temper and suspiciousness, on the right side - about high intelligence.
On the cheekbone
A bright and large mole located on the cheekbone is a sign of a decisive and noble character. Its owner is an idealist and a leader by nature, who knows how to influence people and has a wonderful gift of persuasion.
On the nose
The owner of such a mole has a cheerful and light disposition. For women, this may indicate multiple marriages.