Moles are not only a neoplasm on the body. Moles, according to many experts, are also a means of information, thanks to which you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about a person's character. Moreover, the interpretation directly depends on which part of the body the moles are located on. So, for example, the easiest way to analyze those moles that are located on the face.

The word "mole" comes from the English mole. Hence the name of the science for the study of moles - moleoscopy. This science today is on a par with disciplines such as palmistry and physiognomy. For her, any details are important, including where the moles are located.
Moles on the face - what are they talking about
According to the conclusions of ancient researchers, the human body is associated not only with the Sun and the Moon, but also with the signs of the Zodiac. The head is associated with the Aries sphere. Therefore, all the signs that are on it carry information about the person, her abilities, as well as how exactly this person can be revealed.
Moles located on the forehead, especially if they are near the bridge of the nose or directly above the eyebrows, signal that their owner has great intelligence and high insight. In addition, they have a remarkable reserve of energy, which is enough to do everything, even the most impossible.
However, such people should be very careful about everything they do, because there is a great chance to overdo it. And this will not lead to any good.
A mole located right on the bridge of the nose characterizes its owner as a calm and balanced person. Such a person can easily become a clairvoyant or a medium.
A mole located in the upper part of the forehead characterizes a person depending on which side it is on. So, if it is on the right, its owner is a good organizer. At the same time, his capabilities are so wide that they allow him to lead his own destiny. People with moles on their temples are very sentimental.
Moles on the cheeks in most cases indicate great talents and a kind disposition of a person. Men with moles on the left cheek are distinguished by their lively character and originality. These moles mean that you are a creative person.
With the owner of a mole on the nose, you can safely enter into discussions and various conversations. This is due to the fact that such marks are found in sociable people. But you should not trust people with a mole located on the red border of the lips, because they love to postpone everything for later. In addition, they are often prone to bad habits.
The appearance of moles
It should be borne in mind that moles are not a permanent phenomenon. Over the course of a person's life, more and more new specimens appear. Mole researchers argue that this is because a person's character can change throughout life. And this is naturally reflected in the appearance.
Doctors, however, assure that if moles begin to actively multiply in your body, including in your face, you need to contact a specialist in order to exclude the development of oncological diseases.
There are often situations when a person, in order to invoke good luck, tries to draw moles where needed. However, experts say that this will not help in particular. After all, it is not because of the appearance of a mole that the character changes, but vice versa.