Gnomes are cheerful and prosperous people. Therefore, if you decide to adopt the image of one of these lucky ones, you cannot save. Especially fantasy.

Step 1
The gnome costume consists of several elements: shirts, vests, pants, cap and golfs.
Any shirt will do, it is desirable that it be plain and with wide sleeves. We girdle it with a thin string at the waist level. This will add volume to the garment.
Step 2
We put on a vest over the shirt. Better bright, such as red, yellow or blue. If you don't have one in your wardrobe yet, then it's easy to sew a vest yourself by downloading patterns on the Internet or looking in a magazine.
Step 3
Next are red pants. They must be above the knee. To do this, you can buy ready-made breeches or cut or simply tuck up old trousers. On the side along the seam line, you can sew bells or bows - then the gnome will be more elegant. We put on tights, knee-highs or leggings with a wide horizontal strip under the breeches.
Step 4
Any footwear will do.
Next, one of the most important elements is the cap. You can use a Santa Claus hat with a starch first. Also, the cap is easy to make from cardboard, giving the sheet the shape of a cone. We decorate the headdress with a bow with a bell or bell, so that everyone knows about the approach of the dwarf. The gnome image is ready!
Step 5
But don't you think that something is missing? Indeed, what a dwarf without a beard! This important element can be bought, borrowed from Santa Claus, or, again, made on your own. Most importantly, do not spare cotton wool! The longer the beard, the richer your gnome. And in conclusion, we hand the gnome a small red bag on a long stick and a paper flashlight - the costume is ready!