Who Is A Dirty Gnome And Why Is He Called

Who Is A Dirty Gnome And Why Is He Called
Who Is A Dirty Gnome And Why Is He Called

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Elves, trolls, goblins and gnomes are mythical creatures. However, children always believe in them, as it gives life some fabulousness. The most popular fun among toddlers is the challenge of the matt gnome, who brings candy or fulfills wishes.



Step 1

Children who are just beginning to learn about the world have a special passion for everything mystical and unidentified. Probably, everyone in childhood tried to evoke the spirit of a deceased person, a famous person or a fairy-tale character. The dull gnome has gained wide popularity, which, according to children's legends, covers the walls with obscene words or brings sweets. Each yard has its own script. Of course, hardly anyone really saw him, but imagination can make most children believe that he did meet him. They call it from the position of childish curiosity: someone was able to do it and I'm also interested! This is how this children's tradition has been passed on for many years. And all this is supported by stories, when peers tell each other invented stories that someone could meet with him and even describe the details. These tales are especially popular in children's camps. There are a lot of ways, as mentioned above. How many yards, so many options. Here are just a couple of them.

Step 2

Method 1. Suitable for those children who want to call this obscene gnome during the day. You need to smear any hand with toothpaste and go to a dark place where you should say the words: "Matte gnome, come." It is advisable to close your eyes and imagine that he is coming. If you feel that some movement has occurred, or there are marks on your hand, this means that the obscene gnome came.

Step 3

Method 2. It is considered the most popular. A thread of any color is taken, on which knots are tied (the more, the better). It is advisable to tie more candy to the thread. Then place the thread on the legs of the chair and say three times: "Dull gnome, come!" Everything is done in complete darkness. According to legend, the dull gnome will make his way to the candy and get entangled in knots, start swearing. But in reality, parents can enter the room and stumble, which can provoke them to swear.
