Mastering such an instrument as a violin is not at all easy, and in this process there is not a single detail that should be paid less attention - absolutely everything matters and you need to pay attention to all the nuances at the very beginning of classes, because, you must agree that to relearn much more difficult. Of course, it is also important how to hold the bow during the game.

Step 1
Many violin teachers argue that the hand holding the bow should be down, that is, when you pick up the bow, let the hand fall, and your fingers themselves will take the necessary position.
Step 2
In principle, there is no definite rule that dictates which fingers and how they should hold and operate the bow. We can say that this is a purely subjective question - it largely depends on your physiological characteristics. Therefore, to understand exactly how to hold the bow, you can only after repeated attempts to understand what position of the hand and fingers allows you to achieve the desired result.
Step 3
Many world famous violinists, such as, for example, Sarasate, Joachim and Wieniawski, had their own way of holding the bow, because each hand had a special shape, the fingers and muscles on the hands were also individual. For example, Joachim held the bow with his second, third and fourth fingers (not counting his thumb), while lifting the first finger. And Izai, for example, holds the bow with his first three fingers, raising his little finger. Sarasate, on the other hand, held the bow with all his fingers and at the same time knew how to give his passages lightness and airiness, and an exceptional melodiousness to his tone. However, history knows that all these great masters used only the pressure of the hand on the strings of the instrument (this means that you should not use your entire hand for this). Of course, we cannot find out exactly what pressure these famous violinists chose for each particular moment.
Step 4
Take the bow as it is convenient for you, put your fingers in the working position (with a house) and release your little finger. Sweep the bow first through the air and then along the strings. If your hand is uncomfortable, put down and pick up the bow again.