The best fox traps are large ones. They rule out paw fractures and injuries, but such devices are not transportable. Most often, for hunting foxes, plate traps are used, which are made at home. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations helps hunters to quickly consolidate their fishing skills.

Step 1
Factory traps require preliminary inspection and processing. First of all, clean the metal parts from the factory grease. To do this, wipe all the elements of the trap with rags, gasoline, and then keep them in a boiling herbal broth, which includes wormwood, needles, bark and tree branches.
Step 2
File off the burrs on the edges of the gate and the lever, and use sandpaper to remove any rust. The trap is stored and carried in the same bag. Leave the gloves and mittens in which you work in the same place.
Step 3
When you arrive at the place where the trap is set, rub it with the pungent-smelling grass that grows here, if you set the trap in the summer. Mistake: use meadow grass (wormwood) in the spruce forest, and, conversely, use needles in the middle of the field.
Step 4
To set the trap "under the trail", make a cave to the side of the groove of the trail and under it to the size of the wary trap. Install the samolov there.
Step 5
Make sure that the plate is placed exactly under the track. If you put the device in the winter, between the base of the track and the "cave ceiling" the thickness of the snow should be minimal. Cut off excess snow inside the cave with a knife blade.
Step 6
Before covering your structure with snow, check: maybe a trap plate is visible from above? If so, place a piece of white paper on top of it.
Step 7
Now you can start leveling the snow. Both the place where the trap stands and the hunter's tracks are carefully camouflaged. Cover the first track with snow, which you take from the rear track, the next from the previous one, and so on.
Step 8
This business does not tolerate fuss. Level the surface very carefully. Break the larger snowballs with a thin twig, and mark the smaller snowballs with a brush. Move a few steps away from the area. Make sure you don't drop or leave anything.
Step 9
In the forest, where there are many skiers, the animal is not afraid of the sight of the ski track. Set the trap, without leaving the skis, under the fourth or fifth hole in the trail. Where people rarely visit in winter, the fox is very shy about both the human track and the ski track. In such cases, it is better to get off the skis before reaching the fox. Remember that the fox reacts instantly to minimal changes in the environment.