How To Catch Flounder From The Shore And A Boat: Bait, Tackle, Fishing Features

How To Catch Flounder From The Shore And A Boat: Bait, Tackle, Fishing Features
How To Catch Flounder From The Shore And A Boat: Bait, Tackle, Fishing Features

Beginner fishermen are interested in how to fish for flounder. This fish has delicious and tender meat, which is used to prepare many dishes. It is not necessary to buy it in the store, because the fishermen can catch the flounder on their own. She attacks her prey from an ambush, so she is lured to live bait.

How to catch flounder
How to catch flounder

The fish lives in the bottom layer, feeding on small fish, sea worms, molluscs and crustaceans. The flounder disguises itself in pebbles and lives in the sand. From a sand ambush, she hunts small fish.

How to catch flounder

When going fishing, you should know in advance how to catch flounder. In the Black Sea, you can fish for flounder all year round, you will need bottom tackle. Most often, the bite begins in the hours before dawn.

The easiest way to catch flounder is from a boat, but you can also fish from the shore. In the second case, it is important to wait for the moment when the fish approaches the shore. She bites best after a storm. Individuals reach 0.5 m in length, so fishermen must choose their tackle carefully. They must be durable.

On the Black Sea, flounder is caught in November and December. Feeder rods and carp rods are suitable, they can easily withstand heavy weights. The reel should be chosen inertialess, hooks # 6-10. The weight of the lead must be at least 70 g.

Fishermen should take into account that large waves are often observed in the Black Sea, so the weight of the sinker can be increased to 200 g. The choice of a sinker is necessary taking into account the weather conditions.

It is worth choosing an ultra-sensitive float, it often reaches 15 cm in length. You can buy nylon fishing line. Such a product is precise and elastic, therefore it is suitable for hunting predatory fish.

Fishing for flounder from a boat

Fishing for flounder from a boat has the following advantages:

  1. Fishing all year round. Access to fish gathering areas.
  2. Good bait control.
  3. Easier fishing.

If you have a boat, you don't need a long rod. It is enough to take a short spinning rod equipped with a spinning reel. Tackle can be used with those used when fishing from the shore. You do not need to cast the bait far away, so the weight of the lead can be reduced.

When fishing for flounder from a boat, a steep method is often used. The bait is immersed under the boat, lowered to the bottom and gently tapped. Such actions lead to the fact that the sand rises, forming a cloud. It arouses the interest of the flounder. The bait drifts behind the boat, the cloud moves, luring the fish. Fishing for flounder in this way is effective, therefore it is suitable for novice fishermen.

Tackle for flounder

The fish lives at a depth, so it is worth buying tackle for the flounder. A rod designed for sea fishing is a good choice. It has a good lifting capacity, which makes it easy to lift large fish. Manufacturers cover such tackle with a spray that protects parts of the rod from the harmful effects of sea salt.

If the fisherman is going to fish for flounder from the shore, massive sinkers and large spools are required. They should be designed for 150 m single line line with a diameter of 0.4 mm. Tackle must be equipped with hooks. You should choose those that have a long stem.

Flounder bait

Fish are attracted to brightly colored baits, so it's helpful to use colorful beads. It is best to use small products, they are strung over the hooks.

You can catch flounder with shrimp and shellfish. Shells, crab pieces, and fish fillets are often used. Among the artificial lures, it is worth noting jigs, weighted spinners. Sinking wobblers have proven themselves well. Live bait is widely used by fishermen. It can be a croaker or a mullet.
