Anime is modern Japanese animation, within which there are many genres and subgenres. Different types of anime are designed for different age groups. This can explain some of their features.

Children's genres
The kodomo or komodomuke anime are intended for children under the age of twelve. The peculiarity of the genre is deliberate childishness, which is usually absent or the ideological content is extremely simplified. Such an anime is quite close to American or European animation schools, differing from other anime not only in drawing, but also in the construction of the series. It should be noted that an inexperienced viewer can rarely distinguish between Japanese and non-Japanese serials of this type. Kodomo is portrayed without rudeness and cruelty. The most famous examples of such an anime in Russia are "Grendizer", "Maya the Bee" or "Speed Racer".
Shounen is a type of anime for boys and young men from twelve to eighteen years old. This genre is characterized by a rapid development of the plot, pronounced dynamism. Shounen serials contain a large number of humorous scenes, tell about true friendship, rivalry, sports or martial arts. In this genre, women and girls are most often portrayed as exaggeratedly sexy and beautiful. The subgenres of shounen are sentai, which tells the story of the adventures of a constant, small team of heroes (usually five), and a harem, where a male character constantly communicates with a large number of women.
For older girls between the ages of twelve and eighteen, the shojo genre has been specially created. In this type of anime, the emphasis is on love relationships and images of heroines. The Maho Shojo subgenre tells the story of the adventures of young girls with magical powers. The most prominent representative of this genre is the Sailor Moon series. It is very rare to find "harem" series in the shojo genre, where one girl is surrounded by a lot of guys.
Anime for adults
Seinen is a kind of anime for quite adult men between the ages of eighteen and forty. Serials in this genre often contain elements of satire, psychology, and eroticism. A lot of emphasis is placed on character development. Works in the seinen genre are rather dark and realistic, very rarely their plots are based on romantic stories, more often the love line is one of the secondary ones.
Josei is a kind of anime for adult girls and women. Usually, the plot of a classic josei anime describes the everyday, calm life of a Japanese woman. Part of the narrative is sometimes assigned to the description of the heroine's school life, it is there that the plot begins. Josei has a rather realistic drawing. Love and friendship in such an anime is quite elaborate.
Etty is an erotic anime genre. Within its framework, sensual scenes with a hint of sexual relations are demonstrated.
Hentai is an anime that is drawn pornography, often quite perverted.