For any object, phenomenon and process, the phrase "Met by clothes" is applicable. Of course, the content is most important, but it is the form that determines how others will be tuned in to perceive this content, with what feeling they will prepare to get acquainted with it. Therefore, if you want the audience to initially react with interest to the performance of your show ballet, you should think about a suitable name.

Step 1
Avoid complex or difficult word constructions. They attract attention but are not remembered. This is a good way to get you interested, but it only works if you don't plan on continuing. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to earn recognition, and every time people hear the name of your show ballet, they will rather perceive you as a new group that has never appeared before their eyes.
Step 2
Do not use allegories with already existing group names, even if they have already achieved fame and recognition. Self-reliance is perceived with great respect and understanding by the audience, while trying to distinguish yourself with a familiar-sounding name on a subconscious level repulses and causes contempt, making you doubt your competence.
Step 3
Reflect the essence of your show ballet by choosing a title. What dances do you prefer to perform? Fast and sharp? Then it is better to find a name consisting of short words, with a prevalence of sharp and fast sounds. If you rather give credit to slow rhythms, then the name should not contain a large number of hard consonants and abrupt syllables. Think about a name that would consist of one or two relatively long and flowing, soft-sounding words.
Step 4
Try to come up with a Russian-language version of the name, which, if necessary, can be easily translated into any foreign language. You should not resort to lexical games if you plan to achieve success not only in your country, but also abroad, otherwise it will be difficult for you to explain to people of other cultures what you mean.
Step 5
Check the sound of the invented names. Record the phrase "And now the show-ballet X is performing" and listen to yourself from the outside, invite your relatives and friends to familiarize yourself with the recording. This will help you check how successful this or that version of the name of your show ballet is, how it is perceived by others.