What Is Strip Plastic For? Benefits Of Lessons

What Is Strip Plastic For? Benefits Of Lessons
What Is Strip Plastic For? Benefits Of Lessons

Strip plastic is one of the modern trends in dance that enjoys stable popularity in Russia. It allows you to show your individuality and freedom of expression. Strip plastic lessons are of undoubted benefit for a woman: they teach her to feel her body and express herself. Also, strip plastic improves overall health, helps to lose extra pounds and tighten muscles.

What is strip plastic for? Benefits of lessons
What is strip plastic for? Benefits of lessons

Strip plastic is a certain type of aerobics that imitates an erotic dance. This dance is filled to the brim with sensuality: it is soft, plastic and sexy. The woman dancing it flirts and hints, as it were, but never goes over the edge of decency. Do not confuse strip plastic with striptease - both of these dances have completely different goals. Strip plastic teaches to improvise and transform into certain images, teaches to try on new roles and masks, teaches that relaxedness that a woman does not experience in everyday life.

According to experts, studying the art of strip plastic helps some women get rid of seasonal depression and improves their overall well-being.

Women who are engaged in strip plastics derive undoubted benefit from the lessons: they gain confidence in themselves and in their abilities, raise self-esteem, unobtrusively attract enthusiastic male glances to themselves, make them believe in themselves. The movements of strip plastics are, of course, mysterious and mysterious, they help a woman overcome her complexes, remove some internal clamps, etc. Psychologists say that strip plastic helps many women get rid of any ingrained inner fears and worries, get rid of excessive shyness, awaken hidden energy and realize some opportunities.

The art of strip plastics helps to strengthen the immune system and protects a woman from certain respiratory diseases (influenza, ARVI, ARI). Since dance combines elements of gymnastics and aerobics, physical activity during strip plastics can replace full-fledged strength training and jogging. But only if you do it regularly! The fact is that the dance involves many muscle groups, which cannot but affect the loss of extra pounds and the formation of a beautiful figure. Regular strip plastics make the skin elastic and the muscles elastic. In addition, strip plastic teaches a woman to feel the rhythm and music, feel her body and, of course, fight cellulite.

Strip plastic helps a woman to improve the functioning of her heart and blood vessels and helps to normalize blood pressure. This, in turn, enhances the health of the entire cardiovascular system.

Orthopedists say that doing strip plastic is of great benefit to the spine. In their opinion, after three months of regular dance classes, you can acquire the so-called royal posture. Strip plastic does not allow a woman to walk hunched over, since it helps to strengthen and develop the muscles of the back, which are responsible for straight posture and natural harmony. The art of strip plastic does an excellent job of teaching a woman to dance just beautifully. Experts have calculated that doing strip plastic for one hour relieves a woman of 500 kcal. Dance helps to get in shape and recently gave birth to girls, as well as to cope with obesity.
