In May 2017, a new toy appeared in America, which spread everywhere. A compact thing called a spinner has come into vogue, the main task of which is to develop fine motor skills and relieve stress.

The health benefits of a spinner
What is this spinner? An anti-stress toy in the form of a triangular star, in the center of which there is a bearing (fixed part). By pressing on the bearing, the outer part of the spinner rotates around its axis. For many children and adolescents, this process amuses, helps to relax, distract from problems.
The benefits of the spinner are as follows: firstly, in the concentration of the child's attention and in reducing his hyperactivity. The spinner was originally designed for this very purpose, as the repetitive rotating movements of the spinner help the child to focus their attention. For the invention of the spinner, we must thank Katherine Hettinger, who, according to one version, developed it specifically for her child suffering from muscle deficiency.
It should be noted that the spinner is especially useful in the development of fine motor skills, in the elimination of bad habits of children (gnawing nails, pencils and pens).
Fidget spinner
Fidget spinners made of low-quality materials are especially dangerous. During inspections, it was found that cheap toys contain mercury. Too frequent enthusiasm for the spinner distracts the child from his main task - gaining knowledge at school. Teachers often express their dissatisfaction with the spinner, as the children are scattered and aggressive in the classroom, and they devote all their attention to an unpretentious toy.
Children who are too keen on playing the spinner perform tricks that are dangerous to their health. In particular, an 11-year-old boy from Australia injured his eye with a spinner due to an unsuccessful trick. And a little girl from America almost died because of a small part of this toy, which turned out to be inside her. The doctors were able to extract the part only with the help of an operation. Therefore, many experts do not recommend spinners for children under the age of eight.
Whether to buy or refuse to buy a spinner is up to everyone. But this toy is not as safe as it seems at first glance. To calm your nerves, you can drink tea with lemon balm, drink valerian, and fine motor skills and concentration of attention can be developed with the help of Rubik's cube, modeling from plasticine and drawing. At the very least, these are proven and safe activities for the health of children.