Probably the most popular fairy-tale image created by Tatar folklore is Shurale, an unlucky goblin, whose appearance resembles a dried snag. The folk character Shurale became the hero of a wonderful fairy tale poem and a magnificent ballet created by famous Tatar art workers. Shurale has one eye, one hand, and he is very funny. At the same time, the forest spirit tries to unleash horror and fear on people trapped in the forest thicket, and threatens to tickle them to death. However, potential victims always manage to fool him and avoid danger.

It is necessary
- - drawing paper;
- - pencil / charcoal;
- - paints, brushes.
Step 1
To depict Shurale, imagine a bizarrely curved gnarled snag sticking out in place of a dead tree. Shurale is a forest spirit that lives in the thicket and cleverly disguises itself as its natural habitat.
Step 2
Draw this snag, giving it some human resemblance. Let her have a curved, long and stooped body, as if broken in half. At the end of the driftwood, draw a thickening - a kind of head with a long hooked knot-nose, an elongated sharp chin, long donkey-like ears and sunken eyes.
Step 3
On the forehead, depict a broken off knot in the form of a straight horn. Shurale's hair can be depicted as thin threads tangled in a ball. They can also look like long hairs of moss or lichen.
Step 4
According to ancient legends, Shurale has only one hand (and, moreover, one eye and half of the soul), because of this, representatives of this kind of forest spirits were previously called halves. But in our time, such details are almost forgotten, and you may well depict Shurale with two long arms, similar to gnarled branches. Draw an arbitrary number of gnarled fingers on the hands.
Step 5
Shurale moves on long, almost unbending legs, which also have the appearance of gnarled branches or intertwined roots. You can also depict legs with large feet, typical for humans, but in any case, they should have the appearance and texture of wooden, "tapered".
Step 6
Use a color scheme of natural colors typical of old mossy or, conversely, dried wood: brown, greenish, silver-gray shades, reddish-rusty lichen colors.
Step 7
The lines that you draw should be very expressive, because the whole appearance of Shurale is built on angular curves, as if broken, lines that convey his difficult character and restless, contradictory nature. At the same time, do not seek to portray a terrible monster, because the attitude towards Shurale in his homeland, in Tatarstan, is very ironic and even loving.