Almost everyone knows the rules of the Fool card game. It is generally considered to be largely a game of luck. The player who is lucky wins, the one who got the best cards. However, do not forget that in the process of playing, everyone also uses their intellect, memory, and possibly acting talent.
You will not be left a fool, even with not very successful cards in your hands, if you use some good strategy and do not do obvious stupid things.

Step 1
Use all kinds of tactics depending on the circumstances. When it becomes obvious to you that the enemy is clearly beginning to win, take action. Your task is to restrict your opponent's access to the deck. Take control of it. To do this, you will have to stop getting rid of the lower value cards and sacrifice your big cards (but not your big trump cards!). Then you will have the opportunity to get valuable trump cards from the deck. If from the very beginning of the game you are lucky with the cards, you should "hold" them with you.
Step 2
Do not spare small trump cards. Let's say you need to beat a card of a suit that you don't have. Give your trump card (from "six" to "nine") without hesitation. Keep in mind that statistically, each enemy card you draw reduces the chance of getting any next trump from the deck by 43.5%. Of course, it is highly undesirable to give up the trump king and ace, especially at the beginning or in the middle of the game.
Step 3
Avoid passive tactics. Do not take your opponent's cards without a fight, this will increase his chances of getting the valuable trump cards remaining in the deck.
Step 4
Memorize the cards. Memory is your “tenth trump card”. Come up with a scheme for yourself, according to which it will be easier for you to remember the cards leaving the game. Having a good memory, you can easily guess which cards are in your opponent's hands.
Step 5
Collect paired cards. In due time they will prove to be very useful. Cards in two, three and four copies, even if they are of small value, will undoubtedly help you win.
Step 6
Make your opponent give up big trump cards. If you can safely assume that your opponent has leading trump cards, use your own lower-ranked trump cards.
Step 7
Protect the leading trump cards. The trump king and ace will save you even in the most hopeless situation. In the final part of the game, these cards are the key to success.
Step 8
Towards the end of the game, pay attention to the open trump at the bottom of the deck. You need to calculate how many cards are left to take before the very last trump card. It is advisable to do this in advance, five or six moves before the end of the game. If the trump card lying below is great, do not miss it. Get your opponent to start his next turn when there are only four cards left in the deck, including the lowest trump card. In this situation, you will almost certainly get it.