Probably, there is no person on earth who does not know what cards are. Also, many people are familiar with the card game "throw-in fool". The roots of this game go back far into the past, and its principle is quite simple. For this game you need a deck of cards - 36 pieces. Participation can be from two to four people.

Step 1
Consider the value of the cards, that is, their dignity. The six is considered the smallest. Further in ascending order: seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king and ace.
Step 2
The deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled, after which each of the participants is dealt six pieces, then any card is drawn from the entire remaining deck, the suit of which is considered a trump card later in the game. The right to start the game belongs to the one with the smallest trump card. Most often it is a six, but sometimes this card does not hit anyone, so the next in order of seniority are used.
Step 3
You need to start walking towards the participant sitting on the left hand. You can move either with one card or with several of the same value, for example, from two tens or three queens. The participant sitting on the left hand must fight back with cards of the same suit at least one higher. For example, a ten can only beat a nine, eight, seven and six. As for the trump cards, they beat any suit, even the trump suit (one of the lower rank), and the most important trump card beats any card. The rest of the participants in the game can also throw cards, only on the condition that they are cards of the same value. The main rule is that each participant can only hit six cards. An exception is the first run, which uses only five cards.
Step 4
Then the game continues according to the chain principle. The participant who managed to fight off goes to the next one, sitting on his left. All discarded cards are put aside in the "release". Also, after each call, all participants take as many cards as they lack up to six. The first to take is the one who started to walk.
If the participant could not cope with all the cards that were thrown to him, he must take them for himself and skip the move. The participant has the right only to toss cards to others, while waiting for his turn to fight back in order to get the right to walk.
Step 5
According to this principle, the game continues until all participants, except one, run out of cards. The one who has the cards left is called a fool.