Chess is one of the most addicting board games. According to legend, their age exceeds 50 centuries. Can this game provide practical skills, develop strategic thinking?

Chess strategy
The gameplay in a chess game is divided into three important parts: opening (beginning), middlegame (middle) and endgame (ending). Each of these stages the player determines for himself (by eye).
It is known that many great military strategists were excellent chess players. For example, Suvorov was a good player since childhood, and Napoleon was known as one of the best chess players of the era (many of his games have survived).
Conventionally, the skills required for the game are divided into two large groups: tactics and strategy. Tactics means the ability to create combinations - groups of two to four moves, immediately leading to visible results (checkmate or victory, draw or winning a piece). Strategy in chess, on the other hand, consists in analyzing one's strengths and weaknesses, building a plan for a long period of the game. It includes a pawn arrangement, strengthening key squares and maintaining the pieces necessary for victory.
Life application
The ability to think strategically over a long period of time can be successfully transferred to real life. It is known that people who draw up plans on paper and to-do lists are more likely to succeed in business than “go with the flow” without realistic plans. Setting goals, analyzing the most important tasks and the ability to see perspectives - all this can give you a chess game.
Strategic thinking will develop faster if you play with a chess clock. This will give you another essential life skill - time control.
From successful games, one can make an understanding of the need to plan key actions, develop a general plan with small adjustments "down the drain". It never happens that everything in life goes according to plan. Failures and failures (which are inevitable) teach a positive attitude towards life, learn to learn lessons, correct mistakes.