The formation of figurative thinking occurs at preschool age. Children are happy to be engaged in modeling from plasticine, drawing, designing. And the child is constantly faced with tasks that require imagining something in the mind. This is how he gradually develops figurative thinking.

Step 1
You can develop imaginative thinking at any age. And the sooner, the richer the inner world of your child will be in the future. The kid learns the world through communication with loved ones, through the objects that surround him.
Step 2
Show flowers, trees, animals while walking with your child. Explain the actions of the dog, cat (runs, jumps, lies). When playing with balls at home, learn to distinguish between colors and sizes. After a while, the child will accurately answer your simple questions. You play fabulous stories with your baby, which also help to develop imaginative thinking.
Step 3
Teach picture classes with children three to four years old. Direct your efforts towards developing the ability to create images in the mind. To do this, draw a circle on paper, draw a line down from the circle. Ask a question, what could it be? If the child has an association with a balloon, you are on the right track. Don't be upset if there is a different answer. The child has the right to his own personal associations. He can have his own vision, his own way of thinking. Draw a variety of objects with simple, clear lines. It's great even if a child sees the image of a slide in a simple wavy line. If you have two children, arrange a competition for them, who will name the most associations. As your child grows older, complicate the tasks. Draw some part of the picture, and ask your baby to draw the missing part.
Step 4
Offer the preschooler a more difficult task aimed at the formation of geometric representations. Draw a circle on the left side of the paper, and on the right three parts of this circle - one of them is superfluous. Ask your child to find two pieces that make up a circle.
Develop similar exercises for other shapes - triangle, rectangle, square.
Step 5
Studying with your child, you will certainly teach him to operate with images, based on ideas. Your task is to form and develop the ability to create images in the mind.