In order to play board games, you do not need to go to the store for expensive toys. You can make an exciting adventure game for children yourself. In such a game, everything will be like in the real world - a stormy sea, treasure islands, a tailwind and, of course, ships.

It is necessary
Plastic tray 2-3 cm deep; multi-colored plasticine; matches; Scotch; Styrofoam; scissors; knife
Step 1
Use a suitable sized plastic tray to make a playing field. To create the feeling of the open sea, the bottom can be laid out with a thin layer of blue plasticine. If you decide to paint the tray with blue paint, then this will also work, but in this case, you will no longer be able to use the tray for its intended purpose.
Step 2
From plasticine of the same color, make seven horseshoe-shaped islands. The island should be about 7 cm in diameter and slightly higher than the depth of the tray. Make the entrance to the bay of the island (the distance between the ends of the horseshoe) at least 3 cm wide.
Step 3
Arrange the fabricated islands on the tray in accordance with the previously prepared diagram. Wide straits will decorate well with plasticine rocks. The main thing is that the approaches to the bays are free. The minimum distance between the elements of the playing field should be at least 3 cm. With a boat length of 2.5 cm, it will be easy for captains to overcome such straits.
Step 4
If desired, place mountains, trees, houses, a pier on the islands. All these and other decorative elements can also be made from multi-colored plasticine. Ask future players to show their imagination on their own and decorate the islands. Kids will willingly take part in the arrangement of the game world.
Step 5
Home-made boats will serve as chips in the game. Cut out boats 2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide from a piece of foam plastic. The height of the ship will be 0.5 cm. Such boats will move very quickly across the playing field and are easy to control. You will need four of these boats.
Step 6
Cut four 2x2 cm square sails out of colored paper. The recommended colors are green, yellow, red and blue. Make masts from matches or toothpicks; the length of the mast is 2 cm. Place the sail on the mast and carefully stick it into the middle of the boat's deck.
Step 7
Check the boxes to mark the starting ports and islands that travelers will visit. This will require colored paper and matches. Each player's sail color will match the sail color.
Step 8
Gather two or four players and start the actual game. The task of each participant is to visit six ports and return from the trip to their home port as soon as possible. Determine the order of the move by drawing lots. Players set up their ships in free ports, where they set up a flag of their color. There can be only one boat in each port.
Step 9
To make a move, the player blows through the lips folded in a tube, directing a stream of air into the sail of his ship. By controlling the ship, the player seeks to bring his ship to each of the free ports. The winner is the player who can plant his flag on all islands and be the first to return to his home port.