Who invented the game of "Chapaev" is not known for certain. It is named after the famous hero of the Civil War. All Soviet children knew how to play it, and the rules were constantly changing. There are several popular options for building checkers, but no one bothers to come up with your own.

It is necessary
- - checkers;
- - Chess board.
Step 1
The game is played by two. Determine by lot who will play black or white. The draw method can be any. You can throw a coin, agreeing which side of it represents which color. Or one player clenches one checker into his fists, and the second shows in which hand the one that he will play is in. The draw in this game is very important, since the move goes to the enemy only if the player misses.
Step 2
Place a checker in each cell in the first row. There should be 8 of them in total. Let the second player do the same. You have 4 checkers left. They can be taken out of the game altogether, but it is permissible to use them as a reserve if all the "fighters" are knocked out. It is also agreed in advance whether it is possible to turn the board during the game. If the "ground spins" (that is, the board turns), then you often have to "shoot" from an awkward position, since the players do not change places.
Step 3
As in checkers, the first move is made by the player white. He must aim and send his checker with a click to the enemy's "army", trying to knock out as many of the opponent's "fighters" as possible. The rules do not stipulate which checker to click on. But in order to inflict the greatest possible damage on the "enemy army", it is recommended to start "shooting" from the center. Some players achieve great dexterity and accuracy and manage to beat obliquely, knocking out about a third of the checkers standing on the opposite side of the field on the move. The tour continues until all the "soldiers" of one of the opponents are thrown off the board.
Step 4
In the next round, the winner places his checkers not on the 1 or 8, but on the 2 or 7 line. If he passed the first battle without losses, then he moves immediately by two lines, and if he acted with only one "fighter" - then by three. The loser stays in place. The game continues until the opponents meet "face to face", that is, they will not stand on adjacent lines. However, other options are also possible. For example, in the first round, the "infantry" is involved, which is built in one line. In the second, it can be "tanks", and "cavalry", and "artillery", for which you can offer your own options for building. Participants also agree on the alternation of combat arms in advance. In this case, the rapprochement of the "armies" occurs in the same way as in the case of the "infantry", that is, the winner of the round moves one step forward. If one of the opponents pressed the other to the edge of the board, then the one who is being pressed has the right to start shooting.