There are people who do not see dreams (or rather, do not remember them). And there are those who have a second life in their dreams. Dreams of such people are vivid, with unusual, often exciting, plots. Well, how can you avoid the temptation and not interfere? As it turned out, attempts to invade our own, and at the same time, such a foreign, unfamiliar territory have been undertaken for a long time and are successful. Dream control begins with dream awareness. Lucid dreaming practice - is it feasible?

It is necessary
- Notebook, pen.
- Introspection and self-organization skills.
Step 1
Dream control begins with periods of wakefulness. In a sense, this is a work of self-organization. Start a special notebook and make it a habit to write down your dreams immediately after waking up, as well as during the day and in the evening before bed. Reread old dreams. Regular recollection of dreams increases their realism, and, consequently, awareness in a dream. Try to write down all your dreams, not just the most vivid ones. Even with a temporary awakening at night, write down in one word or phrase the plot of the dream. In the afternoon, remember and write down the dream on it. This step is also aimed at developing "working memory after dreaming".
Step 2
An improved method for recording dreams is dream cartography. In the same notebook or on a separate large sheet of paper, write down your dreams, combining them according to the "scene of the incident." Record one dream, mark the location on the map. In a few days, you will have a dream occurring in the same place, you mark it next to the first. Thus, after several dreams, a plot arises associated with the place of the dream, which has already been recorded. Over time, a map of the world of dreams is obtained, its integrity grows.
Step 3
Form a firm intention to become aware of yourself in a dream. Intention is a kind of programming for a situation. Every day before going to bed, you need to really want to realize yourself. Think about what actions you will take in a successful case, and for what they can be used in a dream.
Step 4
Form a conditioned reflex in yourself to habitual stimuli that are common for both waking and dreaming. The technique is called creating an anchor. Using a dream diary, select any object that is often found in dreams and in life. He will be the anchor. While awake, at the sight of an anchor, ask yourself, "Am I dreaming?" Answer the question carefully, staying away from current events. After a while, out of habit, you will ask the same question in a dream.
Step 5
Remember also those objects or actions in a dream that often cause awareness. They can be fear, pain, flight, etc. These are natural anchors. Understanding that these anchors exist increases the frequency of their manifestation in sleep.
Step 6
Analyze your dreams. Over the course of your life, you get used to the absurdities and paradoxes in dreams and stop responding to them. When introspection, pay attention to paradoxes, think carefully why you did not pay attention to them in a dream. Thus, a habit is formed, which is reflected in thinking during a dream.