How To Learn To Solve Dreams

How To Learn To Solve Dreams
How To Learn To Solve Dreams

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The main difficulty in solving dreams is that the person himself needs to do it. There are no universal dream books or instructions that are the same for the dreams of all people. Each dream carries something for a specific person and is associated with his world. Therefore, it is important to understand what your subconscious mind wants to tell you.

How to learn to solve dreams
How to learn to solve dreams


Step 1

Some dreams signal that you are missing something in life. This means that there is a deflection in some area or you do not pay enough attention to yourself, do not care about your own interests. There is even a theory: the fewer new impressions in reality, the brighter and richer the dream. A person needs to satisfy his needs, especially basic ones. Otherwise, the subconscious mind tries to compensate for them at least with dreams. Naturally, this is a sign, not a way out of the situation. One example of such dreams is erotic dreams. They say that there is no satisfaction in the intimate sphere.

Step 2

Dreams can become an outlet for emotions that a person suppresses in real life. For example, latent aggression, resentment and anger can result in crying, quarreling, or a fight in a dream. A person is constantly restrained in real life, and then gets emotional release in a dream, because there is nowhere else. Anxiety ignored in reality can become a nightmare. This means she has reached a peak, it is necessary to change the situation. Do not ignore dreams in which you are experiencing strong emotions. Try to figure out what you are missing in life, and what emotions it is time to get rid of. Take care of your peace of mind, try to somehow express your feelings.

Step 3

Recurring dreams indicate that there is some unresolved problem that hangs over you and presses, sometimes on a subconscious level. Try to see symbols in them. Sometimes they are quite simple, for example, a maze or long corridors with many doors can indicate a difficult choice or a situation that seems hopeless to you. Running away from persecution can talk about avoiding something in reality. Perhaps you should change tactics in conflict situations and stop hiding, but fight back, meet troubles face to face.

Step 4

You yourself can determine what this or that dream is about. Especially if you often dream about the same situations or objects. One has only to observe and carefully remember what happens in your life for several days after such dreams. Events must be strange, unexpected, or dramatic for you to notice. Otherwise, the forerunners of minor incidents are not worth attention. For example, you dream of a pool full of clean water, and then you get a great deal. In this case, dream books can be used as a pointer to symbols. But only if this encryption system is close to you. If this or that instruction seems meaningless to you, take your own interpretation.

Step 5

Dreams are fantastic, ridiculous, stupid. Everything mixes in them, the scenery suddenly changes, a person gains supernatural abilities, or, conversely, cannot perform simple actions. But a realistic and believable dream can be prophetic. If everything happens in it as if it were real, all participants and objects are real, look at how events develop during your actions. Or just be on the lookout and do your best to prevent unpleasant incidents in real life.
