How To Learn How To Solve Large Jigsaw Puzzles

How To Learn How To Solve Large Jigsaw Puzzles
How To Learn How To Solve Large Jigsaw Puzzles

Collecting jigsaw puzzles is not just fun, but an excellent training of attention, memory, logical thinking and a relaxing activity that relieves nervous tension. Large jigsaw puzzles, consisting of 260 or more parts, are interesting to collect, but very difficult at first.

How to learn how to solve large jigsaw puzzles
How to learn how to solve large jigsaw puzzles

Large puzzles

A jigsaw puzzle is a jigsaw puzzle that you need to assemble to get a drawing. The first jigsaw puzzles appeared in the 18th century and became quite popular: they could be assembled either alone or in a large company. In the XX century, puzzles became primarily children's educational toys aimed at training memory, logical thinking, imagination. It is not interesting for an adult to collect children's puzzles, but if you make a puzzle huge, consisting of several hundred or more pieces, then it will be difficult for children to cope with it, but for adults it will be a useful and enjoyable pastime.

Jigsaw puzzles for adults are those that consist of 260 or more elements and depict beautiful paintings, sights from different parts of the world or geographical maps. The largest are mosaics with 6 thousand pieces.

How to assemble large puzzles correctly?

It is easy for adults to collect small puzzles - there are few details, and the pictures are large, with bright and uncomplicated contrasting colors. But large jigsaw puzzles present a lot of difficulties: there are so many elements that it is difficult to imagine where it is better to start, and many details seem to be similar to each other.

First you need to find a place to collect the puzzle - a large table, a section of the floor, a piece of hard cardboard. Make sure that small children or pets do not have access to them, otherwise the puzzle will not be completed completely.

Pour all the parts onto the surface, or better in a wide and flat box, so that they do not get lost. You need to start collecting a large puzzle by sorting the elements. First, select all the pieces that belong to the edge of the picture - from them you can assemble a frame, which will become the beginning of the puzzle. When the "rim" is ready, you can start sorting the rest of the elements. Select several main parts of the image: for example, sky, greenery, architecture, water, and so on. Divide all the details into selected groups.

Some pieces will be difficult to assign to any group, they can be put in a separate pile.

Pick one piece and start assembling it. It is desirable that it adjoin the edge of the puzzle, but you can start from the middle if there are any noticeable elements. It is easier to leave solid objects for later, for example, the sky is usually collected at the end, and starts with clearly visible, bright details.

Pieces of the same color have to be matched in shape. At first, it seems that all the parts are the same, but with experience you will notice that they have grooves and protrusions of different sizes and shapes.

Learning how to assemble jigsaw puzzles can only be done through practice. The more time you devote to this activity, the better and faster you will be able to fold the mosaic.
