The saxophone is a dream instrument for many jazz lovers, but for other musical genres, the saxophone also represents wide horizons. Everyone can learn to play the saxophone, if you have dreamed of doing it for a long time - do not delay!

It is necessary
saxophone, metronome, teacher or tutorials with video courses (teacher is better), sheet music and fingering, scores
Step 1
To learn how to play the saxophone, the most important thing to remember is to practice. The instrument does not require long breaks in classes. If you practice from time to time, you will never learn to play the saxophone even passably. On the contrary, daily exercise, even for a short time, can seriously raise your level in a short time.
Step 2
It is best to find yourself a teacher. This is not a tool that is easy to perfectly master only on your own using a self-instruction manual. This is also possible, but it will take much more effort and time. If you are wrong somewhere, then only the teacher can point you to the wrong technique. And this is a very important argument in his favor.
Step 3
If you could not find a teacher, then you will have to do everything yourself. One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is trying to play right away as quickly as possible. Do not hurry. You have already learned how to extract sounds, but now you have to start doing it beautifully. If you can learn to produce a pleasant, high-quality sound, the technique will not stagnate. Good sound is tricky. It takes saxophonists a long time to get it. If you want to get a high-quality, pleasant sound, practice playing long notes every day.
Step 4
After long notes to warm up, play arpeggios and scales. This will develop flexibility in your fingers and improve your technique and fluency. Use the metronome while playing. Seems like you can feel the rhythm well? But from time to time you will get lost, speed up, etc. The metronome didn't hurt anyone, but it helped everyone who used it.
Step 5
If you do study without a teacher, then from time to time you will need to evaluate your game. Do not rely on the opinions of friends and loved ones - record yourself and listen to these recordings. So you will immediately notice where your sound is limping, where is the rhythm, and where the pattern of the melody fails. Plus, as soon as you start recording your performance, you will immediately play harder, without even noticing it.
Step 6
Develop. Listen to saxophone music, go to concerts. You will learn a lot, notice some special techniques that are not described in the books, and you yourself would not have guessed to do so.
Step 7
If you still don't know the notes, then you have to learn them. Without this, it is impossible to seriously play a musical instrument like the saxophone. Notation is not such a difficult thing. Once you get to know her better, see for yourself.