Today manufacturers produce such a large number of synthesizers that even experienced music connoisseurs find it difficult to choose the right musical instrument for themselves. It is even more difficult for a beginner to decide on the choice of a synthesizer, so before buying it, you need to familiarize yourself with the main parameters of this instrument.

Non-professional synthesizers
First of all, you should decide on the purpose for which the synthesizer is being bought. It can be used both for mastering the first musical chords as a replacement for the piano, and for professional work on the creation and editing of music tracks. Entry-level synthesizers are usually small in size and range up to 4, 5 octaves (no more than 50 keys). They are equipped with a passive or non-dynamic keyboard, the volume of which is independent of the pressure applied.
If the purpose of the synthesizer is not commensurate with the needs of the owner, it will remain just an expensive toy with unused potential.
It is good to learn the basics of sounding chords or notes on entry-level synthesizers - as a rule, their cost is quite low, and the synthesizer itself can be used as a MIDI keyboard when connected to a computer. In this case, its capabilities greatly increase, since the use of music editors with the synthesizer significantly expands the bank of effects and sounds. With good computer skills, a simple synthesizer can turn into a more professional one. The cost of simple models is about 5 thousand rubles, while the price of children's options does not exceed 2 thousand rubles.
Semi-professional synthesizers
Standard semi-professional models of synthesizers are capable of covering a range of 5 or 7 octaves (up to 61-88 keys), however, instruments up to 7 octaves are very bulky and inconvenient to move, so it is advisable to use them only for home music making.
The number of notes of semi-professional synthesizers is enough to produce sounds similar to playing the piano.
Semi-professional synthesizers are equipped with active and passive keyboards. A passive keyboard will produce the same sound every time you press it, while active keys will change the strength of the sound based on how hard you press it. The hardness of pressing the keys is also an important factor - it can be light, semi-weighted and weighted. The weighted hardness simulates the hammers of a grand piano, giving the feel of a grand piano and giving the instrument a professional touch. Such models are ideal for both home and stage, and their cost is up to 15 thousand rubles.