There are really a lot of camera models on the market. Depending on the goals, the functionality may differ significantly. The cost also varies: from several hundred to tens of thousands of rubles. Making a choice in such a situation is really difficult, especially for a beginner.

Decide on a brand. It makes no sense to say that Canon is better than Nikon or vice versa. Almost all manufacturing firms produce so many different models that it is useless to compare brands. It all depends on your goals. Therefore, it is better to compare specific models, their characteristics, quality and cost.
Look at the year of issue. If your friends recommend some model that performed well 2-3 years ago, you can not listen to them. Progress in the production of photographic equipment is really rapid. Better to buy models from this year or the previous one. This will save you money and get really good quality.
Compact Cameras
This option is suitable for those who do not want to mess with numerous settings and spend a lot of money. They are called compact not because of their size, but because of the number of functions and additional modules. You will not need to choose the type of optics, you just need to get your camera and start taking pictures.
Also, compact cameras are suitable for those who want to become more stylish and bright. As a rule, they are produced with a variety of designs, colors and additional features. For example, almost all waterproof cameras are compact. Another distinctive feature of them is a multiple increase.
SLR Cameras
This is the most popular type of photographic equipment in recent years. Due to the use of large matrices, they allow you to get a really high-quality image even in difficult light conditions. For a beginner looking to get serious about photography, this is a great option. To fully use all the features of the DSLR, you must at least carefully read the instructions. Better to just go to a few classes at a photography school.
When choosing a DSLR, you need to consider your needs and financial capabilities. The higher the cost, the more various small settings you will find in technology. It is better for a beginner to choose simple SLR cameras, and buy additional lenses with the saved money. With the growth of experience, you will need more and more of them.
Compact system cameras
This is the middle ground between compact and DSLR cameras. This photographic technique combines the advantages of both types. From compact cameras, she inherited a small size and stylish design. From DSLRs - a large matrix that allows you to take really high-quality pictures and the ability to change optics.