1979 - The Year Of What Animal

1979 - The Year Of What Animal
1979 - The Year Of What Animal

According to the eastern horoscope, 1979 is the year of the Yellow Goat. Another name is the Earth Goat. But since, according to the Eastern calendar, the year of the Goat began on January 28, people born earlier than this date are born in the year of the Horse, which began on February 7, 1978.

1979 - the year of what animal
1979 - the year of what animal

The character, degree of emotionality, attitude to a person's life directly depend on the time at which he was born. The Eastern calendar annually empowers one of the 12 animals in its horoscope. Protege people unwittingly become carriers of the character traits of their patron.

Many are interested in the question of which animal is 1979 - Sheep or Goat. And where did this confusion come from? Specialists in Chinese culture explain that each animal in the Chinese horoscope has its own character. The word "yang", meaning animal of 1979, is translated as a sheep, and as a goat, and even as a ram.

So, 1979 according to the Eastern calendar is the year of the Yellow or Earth Goat. People born during this time period are characterized by devotion to their loved ones. One of the hallmarks is responsibility. People endowed with this quality are excellent workers. They can be entrusted with a task of any degree of importance and be confident in the thoroughness of its implementation.

People born in 1979 have a wide range of interests, a wide outlook. They are well-read, well-informed, very intelligent. They are creative natures, they are characterized by refinement, sophistication, artistry.

There is a nuance: 1979, according to the eastern horoscope, is the time of the capricious Goat. This is the main disadvantage of those born during this period. Their notion of discipline is not developed, they manage to be late almost everywhere.

And one more answer to the question "1979 is the year of what animal" will sound like "incapable of business." "Goats" should stay away from commerce. This is absolutely not their strong point. And they are unlikely to succeed in military affairs.
