Foamiran is a new material that is rapidly gaining popularity among needlewomen. This is the name given to plastic porous rubber that can take any shape when heated. You can make any crafts from this material. For example, dolls from foamiran are very cute.

The texture of the plastic rubber of this variety resembles a pleasant to the touch suede. To heat foamiran in order to give it a certain shape when making crafts, you can use a regular iron.
What materials and tools will be needed
To make a doll, you will need to prepare:
- several sheets of flesh-colored foamiran and two red;
- sharp scissors;
- iron;
- hot glue gun.
You can draw a pattern for crafts yourself on a piece of paper or download from the Internet. A feature of foamiran dolls, also called fofuchi, are:
- big head;
- huge feet;
- thin arms and legs.
Scissors for cutting rubber should be taken exceptionally well sharpened. Foamiran is an elastic material, but you should still work with it more carefully. Under strong tension, such rubber can tear.
Foamiran dolls: master class
Work begins on making fofuchi from the head. Under it, you first need to make a base ball.
You can cut such a blank, for example, from foam board. Also, the base ball will be easy to make from foil, tightly crumpling this material and giving it the appropriate shape.
To make the doll's head, a sheet of corporal foamiran is applied for a few seconds to the heated sole of the iron. Then it is pulled onto the foam blank with little effort and held for several seconds.
Do the same with the second leaf of foamiran, this time red. All excess is removed from both sheets with scissors, leaving only hemispheres. Next, these elements are glued with a pistol to the foam ball on both sides.
To make the doll's hair, they take two small sheets of red foamiran and cut them into strips, not reaching the edge a couple of centimeters. The strips are then heated with an iron in several pieces and rolled into spirals. After that, the sheets are rolled into tubes, thus making two "tails".
Fix the hair on the doll's head with a glue gun. Fofuchi's eyes, eyebrows and mouth can be painted with acrylic paint. At the final stage in the manufacture of the head, the seam between the spheres is closed with a strip of flesh-colored foamiran.
After the head of the foamiran doll is ready, they begin to make the feet. To do this, a foam ball is also cut out and divided into two parts. The hemispheres cut out in this way are covered with heated sheets of foamiran and all excess is removed.
Next, the foamiran hemispheres are attached to the foam ones. Glue the lower part of the feet and close the seam with a narrow strip of rubber.
To make the legs of a foamiran doll, narrow long cylinders are cut out of foam plastic with their own hands and wrapped in rectangular strips of foamiran. The body of the doll is made exactly according to the same principle. Next, they collect the craft using glue.
The doll's handles can simply be cut out of foamiran sheets, then left flat and flexible. At the final stage, the red-haired fofuchi made in this way, so that she becomes a real beauty, is dressed in a bright dress made from scraps of fabric. Doll shoes can also be made of fabric or cut and glued from foamiran.