From satin ribbons of different widths, beautiful flowers are obtained: roses, lilies, dahlias and many others. They can be used to decorate clothes, bed linen, caskets and panels.

Elegant rose from satin ribbon
To make this flower, pick up a wide satin ribbon of white, pink, purple or red color, about 1 meter long. In addition to her, you will need:
- scissors;
- threads;
- a needle;
- lighter.
To prevent the edges of the ribbon from falling off during operation, burn them with a lighter. Bend one end to the wrong side at an angle of 45 degrees. Begin to twist the resulting corner, forming the middle of the rosebud. Make a few turns and secure the work by making a couple of needle-forward stitches at the bottom of the future flower.
After that, fold the bottom side of the satin ribbon so that its edge is located next to the cut of the folded part, bend the structure in half along this line and sew the needle forward with a seam. Turn the work over and fold the tape again as described above, and sew the fold. Repeat in this way until the ribbon runs out, and do not break the thread at the end of the work.
Tighten the seam slightly, evenly distributing the gathers and start twisting the flower around the middle of the bud, which you made at the very beginning of the work. Fix each turn with a couple of stitches at the bottom of the rose.
Lush dahlia
A fabric dahlia will look much more spectacular if you make it from a wide satin ribbon in two shades, for example, light yellow for the center and light pink for the petals. In addition to these materials, you will need:
- scissors;
- threads;
- a needle;
- lighter;
- polymer glue for fabric;
- a burner (it can be replaced with a knife);
- metal ruler.
Cut satin ribbons 5 cm wide into pieces 6, 5 cm long each. A total of 60 such parts are required. From a yellow ribbon, make 16 elements 4 cm long each.
Fold the ribbons in half with the wrong side inward, attach a metal ruler to them at a slight angle and cut along the cut line with a burner. At the same time, it will help to make an even cut and glue the edges of the parts. This procedure can also be done with a knife. Heat his blade over a fire and trace along the cut line. Round off the narrower edge of the parts with scissors and singe it with a lighter. Flatten the bottom cut with your fingers and singe too. This will give the details for the dahlia petals.
Cut a circle with a diameter of 5 cm from the satin ribbon, place 12 petals in its center and glue them with polymer glue. Next, place the details between the petals of the first tier. Thus, glue 5 rows. In the sixth, attach the details in a light yellow shade.