The box hidden inside the doll can be a good interior detail or a gift for any occasion. Materials for its manufacture are not difficult to find, and the process itself is quite simple.

Necessary materials
To make the box, you will need a flower pot made of such a soft plastic that it can be easily processed with a knife. Instead of a pot, you can take a vase, a bowl, or even roll a thick cardboard cylinder yourself. You will also need a small, 15-25 cm in height, doll. Since the bottom of it will be removed, height doesn't matter much, nor does the outfit. For decor, you will need satin, twill or taffeta at least half a meter, lace, nylon or satin ribbons. You can replace these fabrics and ribbons with any analogs, as the doll looks good when decorated with any fabric. You will need a knife, scissors and glue. Additional fittings, which will later serve as various decorations, can be purchased at will.
At the pot, the rounded edge protruding outward and the bottom are removed. Two circles are cut out of cardboard or very thick paper, one of which tightly closes the bottom and fits in size, and the second is slightly larger in diameter. From the side of the cut bottom, the edge of the pot is also pasted over with cardboard or thick paper, this is necessary for adhesion to cardboard circles, which will serve as the bottom of the box. Cardboard circles are decorated on one side with a cloth, which is fixed with glue on the other side. The pot is also pasted over with a cloth from the inside and outside. Then the bottom is glued to the box - a small circle is inserted from the wide side of the pot with the cloth up, and the larger circle is glued to the bottom, also outside with the cloth.
A small cylinder is made for the lid, which should be inserted into the finished base in size. Often reels of tape or paper for pasting windows are suitable for this purpose. The top for the lid should be a circle that is about 1 cm larger in diameter. It is covered with cloth and glued to a cylinder, which is also covered with cloth.
The top of the doll is glued to the lid. To do this, a circle is cut out of the cardboard and folded to form a truncated cone, glued with the base to the lid, and the upper part to the doll.
Box decoration
The tape and lace are combined and pasted over the entire lower part of the box in a circle. When gluing, they create folds on the tape for greater splendor. The lid of the box is decorated in a similar way up to the doll's waist. The bodice is constructed from the fabric, but you can use the dress in which the doll was bought, after cutting off the skirt and securing the bottom. In this case, care must be taken to match the ribbon and the color of the dress. If desired, additional accessories are created - a hat, hair ornaments or brooches, pendants, necklaces.