The first canvas for drawing people once served as stones. Over time, from elements of primitive magic, the images on them turned into objects of art. In the modern world, painted stones decorate the interior and act as original gifts to relatives and friends.

Although "canvases" for decorative art lie literally underfoot, not every cobblestone can become the basis of a composition.
Preparation for work
The ideal version of the "canvas" is sea pebbles. It is advisable to take stones that are smooth and non-porous. The best are light.
Before starting, prepare the necessary:
- Each painter can choose the tool that he likes best. It is not necessary to use only paints.
- Brushes and a container of water. Paints applied with a moistened soft brush will work well on the surface.
- Varnish. After completion, the work is varnished.

They cover the table with old newspapers and change into comfortable clothes for work.
DIY stones
Instead of pebbles, they use their own made pebbles:
- Sand is poured into a container with water level with the liquid.
- In the sand that has completely absorbed water, a depression is made in the desired shape.
- The hole is lined with polyethylene and cement mortar is poured into it.
- Cover with polyethylene on top and cover with a thick sandy layer.
- Leave to solidify and take out of the container.

Selection of tools and materials
Any paints will do. However, for beginners, it is best to take gouache or watercolor: it is easiest to wash them off if the result is not pleasant. Acrylic will provide a bright finish, but the thick paint brush should always be dampened. Only a synthetic brush is suitable.
For the smallest images, use a brush number 1. From 2 to 4 numbers are used to draw small details. The fifth number is universal, and the sixth is good for drawing with one stroke of leaves and petals. It, together with numbers 7 and 8, is used for large "canvases".
The drawing on the stones begins with a sketch. Apply it with a gel pen, simple or pencil. The main image is applied with gouache or acrylic, and the details are given volume with felt-tip pens.

Nuances of work
A clear acrylic lacquer is best suited for coating.
If you keep a jar of acrylic open during work, the paints will quickly thicken and become unsuitable for drawing. Therefore, they make a special palette:
- Prepare a plastic container with a lid, tracing paper, parchment and paper napkins.
- The bottom of the container is lined with a napkin and spilled with water. The excess moisture is drained off.
- Put tracing paper on a wet napkin, acrylic on top of it.
For beginners, simple, uncomplicated images are suitable. A house looks good on an elongated one, and a hedgehog on a round one.

Master Class
For drawing "Strawberry" you will need: a simple pencil, synthetic brushes, paints of black, white, green and red tones, PVA glue, water and varnish:
- Cover the pebble with a primer made of PVA diluted with water in equal proportions. Leave to dry completely.
- The surface is painted over with red paint.
- Leaves are drawn with a pencil on dried acrylic. Paint them green.
- Thin stripes on the surface are drawn in black with a No.1 brush, applied next to white.
- The dried pebble is varnished.

You can captivate both children and adults with an interesting activity. With a little practice, even novice craftsmen can decorate their home with artful creations.