Original hairstyles and hairstyle accessories are of interest to any girl - after all, thanks to them, you can create a new image or complement the image with some bright and characteristic detail. Such a detail can be fashionable boring - braids, braided with threads, which will help you create a free image in the "hippie" style. Borders of different colors on the hair look very impressive, they last long enough, and any beginner can weave them. There are two main ways to weave borings.

Step 1
In order to weave the bore in the first way, take two long threads of wool or floss of different colors. The length of the threads folded together should be twice the length of the future boring.
Step 2
Select a small strand of hair on the head and tie the threads in a single knot at its base so that tails of the same length remain on both sides of the knot.
Step 3
Tie a knot at the roots of your hair so that it does not slip off the strand. Straighten a section of hair, and then line three strands out of four so that they lie exactly parallel to the hair.
Step 4
Start wrapping the fourth thread in a circle around the strand, starting from the roots and pressing the turns tightly to each other. The denser the weaving, the stronger the boring will be.
Step 5
After you braid part of the braid with one color, tie the end of the thread and let it go further into the strand, and for further braiding, select the end of the thread of a different color. This way you can weave a multi-color boring.
Step 6
Tie the threads in a knot at the end of the braid. The more colors you use in weaving, the thicker and more colorful the boring will be.
Step 7
There is another way to weave - take, as in the previous method, threads, and select a small lock of hair on the head.
Step 8
At the roots of the strand, tie the threads in a knot and begin to weave a pigtail from the strand of hair, weaving the ends of the colored threads, which should be inside the braid, and with the end remaining on top, begin to wind the pigtail in a spiral, making half-knots.
Step 9
Tighten each spiral thread overlap to make the boring look smoother and cleaner. Continue braiding, changing colors, until you wind the braid to the end and finish the bore to the desired length.