A person is not separated from the dream of becoming an actor or actress by long distances, poor information or someone's corruption. You can always take the train to the city where films are made and actors are required, find information about casting on the Internet, show your talent and be noticed. A person is separated from the realization of a set goal only by the fear of failure. It is necessary to overcome it. Make it a goal for yourself to meet your fear, that is, to go through an acting casting.

Step 1
Follow the announcements on the websites of TV channels involved in the production of TV series and casting agencies. When actors are required, project administrators usually post information about the casting on the Internet, indicating the requirements for potential participants and the required types.
Step 2
Follow the instructions given in such advertisements. Usually you are asked to fill out a questionnaire and send your photo. Be attentive to the requirements of the administrator (even formal ones). Your profile may be rejected simply because it is incorrectly formatted.
Step 3
Be sure to submit your profile, believe yourself. A chance is given to everyone. Just be careful not to fall into the hands of scammers. The candidate for the role does not have to pay for the opportunity to participate in the casting. If you are asked to pay some amount for the opportunity to be included in a "certain actor base". Be wary of this. Take your time to pay money.
Step 4
Find out more about the agency that makes this condition. There are serious agencies that take such fees, and there are ordinary scammers who profit from someone else's dream. The applicant does not have to pay for the opportunity to be interviewed. On the contrary, the employer must be interested in finding employees. Be smart.
Step 5
It is not difficult to get to the casting, especially if you are of the right type. You will definitely be invited, it is important not to be confused at the casting itself and to show everything that you are capable of. Follow the task that the director or administrator gives you.
Step 6
Demonstrate not only your acting skills, but also the professional and human adequacy that will allow the crew to easily accept you for work. Therefore, be polite, benevolent, behave with dignity.