The ancient art of embroidery is extremely popular today. One of the most common types of embroidery is embroidery on the canvas with counted stitches. Among the counted stitches, tapestry stands out for its showiness - a work done correctly looks as if the picture was woven. The technique of making a tapestry stitch is not very complicated and even a novice needlewoman can handle it.

It is necessary
- - stramin or other rigid canvas;
- - a special tapestry needle with a blunt, rounded end;
- - thick enough threads for embroidery
Step 1
For the first stitch, bring the needle to the right side of the upper right corner of the canvas square. Leave the end of the thread on the seamy side so that it can be inserted into the needle later. This will be needed later to secure the thread. Hold this end of the thread with your left finger. Draw the working thread through the intersection of the canvas threads and insert the needle into the lower left corner of the canvas square.
Step 2
From the lower left corner of the canvas square, bring the needle to the wrong side. On the front side, bring the needle out again from the upper right corner of the next square of the canvas. Thus, move from right to left to the end of the row.
Step 3
To start the next row, flip the canvas 180 ° and continue sewing from right to left for a new row. You can also sew a new row without turning the canvas over, but from left to right, over the previous row of stitches.
Step 4
When finished, pull the needle under a few stitches on the wrong side and cut the thread. Insert the rest of the thread that you left at the beginning of the embroidery into the needle and also pull it under a few stitches on the wrong side.