Anthurium: Types And Features Of Care

Anthurium: Types And Features Of Care
Anthurium: Types And Features Of Care

Anthurium or "male happiness", "fiery tongue", "flamingo flower" is a rather popular plant and this is not surprising. It looks luxurious in any setting, be it a quiet bedroom, a cozy living room or a flower greenhouse. The flowers are very exotic, there are species with decorative foliage.

Anthurium: types and features of care
Anthurium: types and features of care

Species and varietal diversity

There are several types of anthurium: Scherzer, Andre, crystal, Linden, etc.

Anthurium Andre

The most common type. The leaves are heart-shaped up to 22 cm in length. The flower is shiny and wrinkled, up to 10 cm long. The plant itself is quite large and can grow up to 150 cm in height. A large number of varieties have been bred with different colors of flowers.

Sorts "Whiste", "Simbo"


They are characterized by white flowers. At the beginning of flowering, the cover of the flower is white, then gradually changes color to pale green.

Jaguar Green has a green coloration.


Anthurium with a green veil looks very unusual. Depending on the variety, the color can be monotonous green or interspersed with pink veins.

Flamingo Orange is a two-color variety.


A beautiful combination of red and green.

Varieties "Karma Red", "Dunamite Red", etc.


The most common color is red. Very effective, especially when combined with a yellow rod.

Variety "Prince of Orange"


A rare orange color of the bedspread, an ear of green with a yellow top.

Sorts "Zizou", "Jambo Sweet", "Flamingo Pink", etc.


Pink flowers. At the same time, the range of shades is very wide: from soft pink and peach to bright and saturated. There are varieties with a green border on the bedspread.

Sorts "Black Love", "Shiwtime", "Paris Black"


They have a peculiar dark color of the bedspreads, they are quite rare.

Varieties "Fiorino", "Karma Purpee"


A purple bedspread with a purple ear.

Varieties "Princess Amalia Elegance", "Sweet Dream"


A pink veil with red veins and a red tip, a cob.

Scherzer's Anthurium


Compact species, growing up to 30-40 cm in height. The leaves are lanceolate, the flower is waxy, the ear is spiral. Adapts quickly to room conditions. Differs in long flowering.

Crystal anthurium


Ornamental-leaved species, up to 90 cm high. The leaves have a velvety surface covered with silvery veins, up to 20 cm long. With age, the color of the leaves changes from purple to dark green. The flowers are expressionless.

Rare species of anthurium

the flowers are pink, the leaves are pointed-cordate with light veins.


unpretentious, adapts to room conditions. Height up to 60 cm, the stem is short, the leaves are elliptical and covered with small black specks.

grows well in indoor conditions. It has long aerial roots. The leaves are elongated (up to 80 cm) and narrow (up to 11 cm).

liana-like, the leaves are dissected into smaller leaf segments.

Secrets of the lush bloom of anthurium

In order for the anthurium to bloom for a long time and abundantly, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for it.

moderate temperature at the level of 20-25 ° С, in winter - not lower than 16 ° С. The flower does not tolerate drafts.

in summer - bright sunlight shaded from direct sunlight (on the south window) or bright diffused light (west and east windows). In winter, the anthurium needs maximum light - move it to the south window. In general, the flower is shade-tolerant, but it will not bloom in the shade.

requires high humidity. Frequent spraying with settled water is necessary (so that no limescale remains on the leaves). You can use a humidifier or put the flower pot in a tray of damp expanded clay. Wipe the leaves periodically with a damp cloth.

watered abundantly every 3-4 days, between waterings the soil in the pot should dry out by 1-2 cm. In winter, watering can be reduced to once a week. The water should be separated, at room temperature.

in the spring-summer period, they are fed every 2-3 weeks with a special fertilizer for aroids. After transplanting, feed in 2-3 months.

I transplant young plants annually, adults every 2-3 years. The transplant is done in the spring. Several plants can be planted in one pot at the same time. The pot should be small in volume, because anthurium blooms only if the entire volume of the pot is filled with roots. The soil requires loose, light and fertile, well-drained soil. You can mix a universal soil mixture with peat, humus, coarse sand and pieces of fine gravel (or charcoal); you can add sphagnum moss.

- Water the plant abundantly; - remove from the pot, preserving an earthen clod, so as not to damage the roots; - put a drainage layer in a new pot; - pour a small layer of earth on top; - place the plant in the center of the pot and fill the empty areas with soil; - pour abundantly and mulch with sphagnum moss.
