Carrots are a vegetable that is as unpretentious as it is healthy. It is an excellent source of fiber, rich in trace elements and vitamins. It can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed, dried and fried. And what a delicious carrot cake or candied carrot! You can harvest strong and juicy early varieties of carrots at the very beginning of summer.

It is necessary
- Carrot seeds
- Well loosened soil
- Transparencies
- Quartz sand
- Fertilizers
- Water
Step 1
Varieties and hybrids of carrots, today, there are about 150 species. They are subdivided according to the ripening period - early maturing, mid-early, mid-maturing, mid-late and late. In shape - cylindrical, conical and Nantes carrots, with a rounded tip. In addition to the bright orange carrots we are used to, there are also red, yellow, white, pink and even purple carrots. And, if the choice of color is a matter of personal taste, then everything else is a reason for thought. You need to choose the variety that best suits your natural and weather conditions. Carefully read the descriptions on the seed bag and relate to the conditions in your garden.
Step 2
Carrot seeds are stored for no longer than 3 years. Fresh seeds can be distinguished by their smell. They will smell perceptibly … of carrots.
Step 3
Choose a location for your carrot bed. Carrots grow well in sandy and loamy soil. If you were able to dig up a bed for a carrot in the fall, and in the spring you dug it again to the depth of a shovel bayonet, the carrot will grow even and thick roots in gratitude for your care. If the soil is stony or freshly watered, the carrot roots will be deformed. Carrots love sunlight and are drawn to it, if you set aside a shaded area for it or grow it among other crops, it will be long and thin.
Step 4
3-4 days before planting, soak the carrot seeds in warm water. Carrots can be sown when the first shoots hatch.
Step 5
Carrots are planted directly into the ground, that is, on the garden bed, in previously prepared grooves. The depth of the furrows should be from 1.5 to 2 centimeters, and the distance between them from 18 to 20 centimeters.
Step 6
Dry the seeds before planting and mix with quartz sand. Place the seeds in the furrows, cover with soil and lightly tamp the soil. Cover the bed with a plastic wrap. As soon as shoots appear, remove the film. If you have a small vegetable garden, you can sow a fast-growing vegetable, such as a radish, between the carrot ridges. By the time the carrots need to be thinned, and this is done when at least four leaves are formed and the carrots reach a centimeter in diameter, the radish harvest will have already been removed.
Step 7
Carrots do not need frequent feeding. On the contrary, if you "overfeed" it, it will begin to actively grow tops, not roots. Therefore, it is enough to add the following set of fertilizers to the soil twice a season - urea, superphosphate and potassium salt.
Step 8
The aroma of carrot tops can attract not a terrible, but extremely unpleasant pest - a carrot fly. It is difficult to deal with it, it is better to prevent its occurrence. Experienced gardeners advise planting onions or garlic around the perimeter of carrot beds, as the smell of these vegetables interrupts the smell of carrots. For the same purpose, they recommend sprinkling the aisles with ground black pepper.